Institut für Personalmanagement und Organisation

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    Soziale Agency: Arbeit an der (De-)Institutionalisierung von Geschlecht
    (Nomos, 2018) Amstutz, Nathalie; Nussbaumer, Melanie; Brand, Ortrun; Amstutz, Nathalie; Eberherr, Helga; Funder, Maria; Hofmann, Roswitha [in: Geschlecht als widersprüchliche Institution. Neoinstitutionalistische Implikationen zum Gender Cage in Organisationen]
    Die Beschäftigung mit der organisationalen Verarbeitung von Gleichstellungserwartungen wirft die Frage nach Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme durch Akteur_innen auf die ‚Institution Geschlecht’ auf. Der Handlungsspielraum (Agency) von Akteur_innen im organisationalen Wandlungsprozess der Institution Geschlecht (siehe Kap. 1) ist theoretisch wie politischrelevant. In diesem Kapitel diskutieren wir kritisch Vorschläge von Akteurskonzepten des Institutional Entrepreneurs und des Institutional Work und schlagen vor, Handlungsspielraum bezüglich der Institution Geschlecht als soziale Agency zu skizzieren.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Fallstudien zu Gleichstellung in For-Profit und Non-Profit Organisationen: Organisationale Wahrnehmungen, Verarbeitungsfelder und -formen
    (Nomos, 2018) Eberherr, Helga; Hofmann, Roswitha; Nussbaumer, Melanie; Vöhringer, Hanna; Amstutz, Nathalie; Eberherr, Helga; Funder, Maria; Hofmann, Roswitha [in: Geschlecht als widersprüchliche Institution. Neo-institutionalistische Implikationen zum Gender Cage in Organisationen]
    In diesem Teil des Buches schließen wir an die im zweiten Teil vorgestellten geschlechtertheoretisch gewendeten neo-institutionalistischen Konzepte an und stellen ausgewählte Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „Gender Cage – Revisited: Zur Rekonfiguration von Geschlechterdifferenzierungen in Organisationen postmoderner Gesellschaften“ vor. Die Studie zielte nicht nur darauf ab, der widersprüchlichen Gleichzeitigkeit von Beharrung und Wandel asymmetrischer Geschlechterverhältnisse in und durch Organisationen nachzugehen, sondern auch Antworten auf die Frage zu finden, ob neo-institutionalistische Konzepte dazu beitragen können, neue Einsichten zum Zusammenhang von Organisation und Geschlecht zu gewinnen.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Flexible workforce management. An exploratory study
    (Open Education Platform, 2021) Vogel, Christoph; Schaltegger, Christina; Zölch, Martina; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Society 5.0 2021. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Society 5.0]
    A flexible workforce is a key competitive advantage to deal with a constantly changing environment, such as order fluctuations and filling knowledge gaps due to a shortage of skilled staff. So far, only few empirical results are available on how companies successfully manage the “Flexible Workforce”. In the present exploratory study, we examine the flexible workforce practice and management in Swiss organisations using a quantitative approach. Data were collected through an online survey, in which 224 HR professionals of Swiss companies took part. The results suggest that organisations engaging in a flexible workforce benefit from outcomes like dealing with peaks in workload, filling knowledge gaps, implementation of new ideas and succession planning. The extent to which companies can benefit from the use of a flexible workforce depends, among other things, on the complexity of the tasks and organisational characteristics such as the culture of trust and the practice of knowledge management.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Education and training in career guidance at FHNW Switzerland: a strictly competence-oriented framework for psychologists/non-psychologists
    (Združenie pre kariérové poradenstvo a rozvoj kariéry, 2019) Radvila, Anna [in: Conference Proceedings from the 2019 Conference of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG)]
    In Switzerland, career guidance is regulated by federal law: the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), in cooperation with the Swiss Conference of Managers of Career Guidance Centers (KBSB), developed a skills profile which everyone must fulfill to achieve a diploma in career counseling. Since 2012, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW University) has offered multi-disciplinary training for career counseling following the method of an apprenticeship, which consists of both a theoretical and a practical component. With regard to the former, lecturers from different departments of FHNW University (e.g., economics, applied psychology, social work, pedagogy), economic specialists and professionals from the fields of career counseling and reintegration counseling teach theoretical concepts and approaches and offer the possibility to practice in small groups. Simultaneously, the practical component takes place at a career guidance center where students are sup
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    From managing diversity to managing opportunity
    (Open Education Platform, 2021) Özdemir, Feriha; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Society 5.0 2021. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Society 5.0]
    Companies with path-dependencies on trivial assumptions reach their limits in Society 5.0. Resilient and vital organizations need multiple reservoirs of competencies, i.e .their people’s capabilities. Furthermore, resilient organizations in hypermodernity depend on an ability to respond to rising complexity by enhancing their own inner variety and competencies. Society 5.0 is characterized by a huge amount of diversity, and is human-focused. This paper presents a human-centered approach, the Capability Approach, which is conceptualized as a developed approach to Diversity Management. This paper goes beyond the classical diversity discourse, outlining an approach to Managing Opportunities in Society 5.0 that contributes toward the SDGs and Capability Management, introducing the Capability Cycle as a process for managing opportunities for dialogue-orientated communication. An economy designed for people requires a new diversity discourse − because the right to development is an inalienable human right.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift