Institut Sozialplanung, Organisationaler Wandel und Stadtentwicklung

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    Homelessness in Switzerland. Federalist pathways between ignoring, passing on responsibility for and proactive prevention of homelessness
    (Taylor & Francis, 06/2024) Drilling, Matthias; Küng, Magdalena; Dittmann, Jörg; Bevan, Chris [in: The Routledge Handbook of Global Perspectives on Homelessness, Law & Policy]
    In Switzerland, there is neither a formal definition of homelessness nor a binding foundation from which legally enforceable claims for individuals affected could be derived. This opens up significant discretionary processes for authorities both towards individuals as well as towards organizations that provide assistance to people affected by homelessness. The chapter explores this and argues it is a significant shortcoming, especially because Switzerland has acceded to various international agreements that aim to improve the life chances of particularly vulnerable societal groups. The chapter explains the history of the relationship between homelessness and the social welfare state in Switzerland, considers the profile and number of people who are homeless, and discusses a possible division of responsibility for combating homelessness between national, regional, and local state actors and non-governmental organizations.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Routes into destitution. Vulnerabilities and resources of Central and Eastern European migrants in Switzerland
    (LIVES Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research, 2023) Temesvary, Zsolt; Roduit, Sabrina; Drilling, Matthias
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Ausmass, Profil und Erklärungen der Obdachlosigkeit in acht der grössten Städte der Schweiz (Homelessness in eight of the largest cities in Switzerland. Extend, profile and explanations)
    (LIVES working papers, 2022) Dittmann, Jörg; Dietrich, Simone; Stroezel, Holger; Drilling, Matthias
    Die vorliegende Studie untersucht das Ausmass und die Struktur von Obdachlosigkeit in der Schweiz. Die empirische Untersuchung erfolgte anhand einer quantitativen Face-to-Face Befragung in 62 Einrichtungen für armutsbetroffene Personen in 8 grossen Städten der Schweiz. Insgesamt konnten in einer Erhebungswoche im Dezember 2020 und März 2021 1’182 Personen befragt werden, wovon 543 zum Zeitpunkt der Befragung obdachlos waren. Die Studie bestätigt die grosse Bedeutung der international diskutierten armuts-, gesundheits- und migrationsbezogenen Zugänge zum Themenfeld der Obdachlosigkeit. Sie offenbart signifikante Unterschiede insbesondere in der Versorgung zwischen den Städten Basel, Bern, Genf, Lausanne, Luzern, Lugano, St. Gallen und Zürich. Gemäss den durchgeführten Hochrechnungen für die Schweiz liegt die Zahl der Obdachlosen zwischen 918 und 2’740 Personen. Die Zahl der Obdachlosen ist im europäischen Vergleich eher gering. Mit den hohen Anteilen an Obdachlosen ohne gültigen Aufenthaltsstatus (61%) und der geringen Inanspruchnahme von Sozialhilfe (11%) weist die Studie auf zwei besondere Herausforderungen hin, die es für die Verhinderung und Bekämpfung von Obdachlosigkeit zu berücksichtigen gilt.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Social work as a transformative science. The importance of relevance structures in knowledge production
    (Oxford University Press, 2021) Drilling, Matthias [in: The British Journal of Social Work]
    This article focuses on the question of how cooperative knowledge production takes place and, in particular, how novel knowledge is formed and implemented in organisational action. According to the current state of knowledge, this process, which results in a change in the way an organisation acts, is called social innovation. The framework for argumentation and reflection is provided by studies from the social work sciences on cooperative knowledge production and social innovation, as well as studies on the hybridity of knowledge and its interaction with the knowledge resources of scientific and non-scientific actors. Relevance structures are recognised in this article as a fundamental structure in the field of cooperative knowledge production; they significantly influence the question of how and when new knowledge leads to social innovation. A research project on homelessness serves as an example. Homelessness has been a research topic in Europe for many years. In Switzerland, however, there are hardly any scientifically sound studies and there are also few documented methods of action in practice. From this point of view, homelessness in Switzerland is therefore in need of innovation.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Die Vertuschung von Macht in Organisationen
    (Handelsblatt Fachmedien, 04/2024) Geramanis, Olaf [in: Changement! Veränderungsprozesse aktiv und erfolgreich gestalten]
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung