Konrad, Jonas

Konrad, Jonas


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    Latent Profiles of Organizational, Occupational and Supervisor Commitment among Nurses and their Effects on Employee Well-being and Health
    (31.05.2019) Wombacher, Jörg; Konrad, Jonas; Raff, Tilmann
    Purpose Demographic changes have led to a shortage of nurses in the healthcare sector. Nursing staff and patients are getting older and nursing cases are becoming increasingly complex. As a result, nurses’ workloads and stress levels have increased, and employee turnover has risen. Adopting a person-centered perspective, this study examines the effects of nurses’ commitment profiles on their physical and emotional well-beingand other work-related outcomes. The profiles will will be extracted based on nurses’ affective, rational, and normative commitment to their organization, occupation, and supervisor. Design and Methodology A survey was conducted among 1029 nurses from all public hospitals, nursing homes and outpatient care services from the Swiss Canton of Solothurn. A latent profile analysis using Mplus was performed to extract the commtiment profiles and examine their associations with the outcome variables. Results Four commitment profiles were found that differ both quantitatively (in terms of commitment levels) and qualitatively (in terms of shape). Results show, among others, that nurses with a high affective but low rational and normative commitment to all three foci (occupation, organization, supervisor) show higher levels of emotional strain than other profiles (e.g., low commitment levels) but also greater levels of work-life-balance and health. Limitations The cross-sectional nature of the survey precludes causal inferences. Because all data were self-reported, the associations found between profiles and outcomes may be inflated. Implications for research The person-centered approach allows an examination of complex interaction patterns among commitment foci and dimensions and their associations with work-related outcomes. A longitudinalstudy is in order to better understand causal directions and the development of complex commitment profiles over time. Practical implications The study results are relevant to practices in human resource management and retention in the healthcare sector. Because the commitment profiles refer to a broad, within-person observation of nurses, it is important to address the whole individual in interventions targeted at the improvement of unbeneficial commitment profiles. A strict focus on single commitment foci or dimensions may not be enough. Orginality, Value To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive exploration of complex commitment profiles and their association with employee health and well-being in the nursing profession.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Studienergebnisse. HR-Kompetenzen für die Zukunft
    (ALMA Medien, 2019) Konrad, Jonas; Resch, Dörte [in: HR-Today]
    Die Mitarbeitenden und Unternehmen auf die Arbeit von Morgen vorzubereiten ist eine der zentralen Aufgaben des HRM. Der gegenwärtige schnelle und ständige Wandel der Arbeitswelt verleiht dieser Aufgabe zusätzliche Dringlichkeit. Ein Wandel, der aufgrund der Digitalisierung, der demographischen Entwicklungen, der Globalisierung und auch des Strukturwandels hin zu einer Dienstleistungsgesellschaft zustande kommt (vgl. Zölch, Oertig, Calabró & Hunziker, 2016). Mit diesen Veränderungen sind neue Anforderungen an Mitarbeitende und Organisationen verbunden.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Einfluss von Zufriedenheitsgrößen auf das Commitment von Berufseinsteigenden mit Vertragsgebundenheit
    (Pabst Science Publishers, 2019) Raff, Tilmann; Wombacher, Jörg; Konrad, Jonas [in: Wirtschaftspsychologie]
    Im Rahmen einer Befragung von 268 Berufseinsteigenden mit Vertragsgebundenheit zeigt sich, dass das affektive Commitment stärker als das normative Commitment auf die Wechselabsicht von Mitarbeitenden mit Vertragsgebundenheit wirkt. Von den untersuchten Zufriedenheitsgrössen erweisen sich im Rahmen einer Strukturgleichungsanalyse insbesondere die Zufriedenheit mit dem Arbeitsinhalt, mit der Kultur sowie mit den Lern- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten als wichtige Einflussgrössen des affektiven Commitments. Die Implikationen für das Bindungsmanagement von Berufseinsteigenden mit Vertragsgebundenheit werden diskutiert.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Welche Kompetenzen braucht das HR in Zukunft?
    (ALMA Medien AG, 2019) Konrad, Jonas; Resch, Dörte [in: HR-Today]
    Der gegenwärtige Umbruch der Arbeitswelt verändert Arbeitsprofile und die damit verbundenen Kompetenzanforderungen an Mitarbeitende. Das hat auch Auswirkungen auf HR-Fachprofile. Doch welche Kompetenzen braucht ein zukunftsgerichtetes HR und wie sollen HR-Fachkräfte aus- und weitergebildet werden? Diese Fragen hat eine Studie der FHNW und HR Today in einer Gruppendiskussion mit HR-Leitenden und einer breiten Onlinebefragung untersucht. Erste Ergebnisse liegen nun vor
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Latent profiles of organizational and occupational commitment among nurses and their effects on employee well-being and health
    (2019) Konrad, Jonas; Wombacher, Jörg; Amstutz, Nathalie; Minnig, Christoph; Raff, Tilmann
    06 - Präsentation
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    Keine Angst vor der Digitalisierung
    (ALMA Medien, 2018) Schaltegger, Christina; Jansen, Anne; Konrad, Jonas [in: HR-Today]
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Challenging the gendered segregation of work in the ICT sector by re-branding the occupation’s identity
    (2018) Resch, Dörte; Graf, Iris; Dreiling, Anke; Konrad, Jonas
    The percentage of women in the ICT-sector is in Switzerland at 15% (Econlab, 2014), the same is true for many other European countries. The gendered segregation of work in the ICT sector seems to be even more worrisome, as within the area of digitalization, ICT will shape jobs and society even more in the future. In this light, it is even more important, that an equal participation in the light of un-doing gender should be strived for (Kelan, 2010). Already a lot of valuable initiatives and insightful research has been conducted to raise awareness and insight to gendered choices and preferences on subjects at school (Bieri Buschor, Berweger, Keck Frei, & Kappler, 2012; Nosek, Banaji, & Greenwald, 2002). Research shows that, next to the sensitive phase of primary and secondary school, the phase of selecting a course of study or a vocational training is very important (Liebig, Levy, Sauer, & Sousa-Poza, 2014).
    06 - Präsentation
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    Crowdwork and employee commitment: new challenges for HRM
    (ToKnowPress, 2018) Konrad, Jonas; Pekruhl, Ulrich; Dermol, Valerij [in: Integrated economy and society: diversity, creativity and technology. Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference, 16-18 May 2018, Naples, Italy]
    Crowdsourcing for paid labour (paid crowdsourcing) will fundamentally change the relationships between actors in the labour market. Employee-employer-relations are mediated by an internet service platform provider, immediate contact between both sides become limited. This does have crucial impacts on form and scope of employee commitment regarding both their jobs and the organization, they work for. Traditional HRM is facing the challenge to either overcome the problems of lacking employee commitment or to organize crowdsourcing in a way that fosters new forms of commitment.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    HR im digitalen Wandel. Veränderungen im Arbeitsalltag aus der Perspektive von HR-Fachleuten
    (ALMA Medien, 2018) Konrad, Jonas; Schaltegger, Christina; Jansen, Anne
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht