Institut für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
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Publikation Highly accurate pose estimation as a reference for autonomous vehicles in near-range scenarios(MDPI, 2021) Kälin, Ursula; Staffa, Louis; Grimm, David; Wendt, AxelTo validate the accuracy and reliability of onboard sensors for object detection and localization for driver assistance, as well as autonomous driving applications under realistic conditions (indoors and outdoors), a novel tracking system is presented. This tracking system is developed to determine the position and orientation of a slow-moving vehicle during test maneuvers within a reference environment (e.g., car during parking maneuvers), independent of the onboard sensors. One requirement is a 6 degree of freedom (DoF) pose with position uncertainty below 5 mm (3σ), orientation uncertainty below 0.3° (3σ), at a frequency higher than 20 Hz, and with a latency smaller than 500 ms. To compare the results from the reference system with the vehicle’s onboard system, synchronization via a Precision Time Protocol (PTP) and system interoperability to a robot operating system (ROS) are achieved. The developed system combines motion capture cameras mounted in a 360° panorama view setup on the vehicle, measuring retroreflective markers distributed over the test site with known coordinates, while robotic total stations measure a prism on the vehicle. A point cloud of the test site serves as a digital twin of the environment, in which the movement of the vehicle is visualized. The results have shown that the fused measurements of these sensors complement each other, so that the accuracy requirements for the 6 DoF pose can be met while allowing a flexible installation in different environments.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Ist Buchhaltung Accounting?(Verlag Vertieftes Lernen, 2019) Gygli, Ueli; Köhle, Ivan; Legena, ValeriaWeltweit absolvieren unzählige Lernende und Studierende weitgehend standardisierte Grundkurse in Finanzbuchhaltung (Financial Accounting) und Betriebsbuchhaltung (Managerial Accounting) (IES 2017, S. 6). Da Buchhaltung bekanntlich eine wohlstrukturierte kaufmännische Disziplin ist, prägen diese Wissensstrukturen und die zugrundeliegenden Auffassungen das kaufmännische Denken vieler Berufsleute.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Un(intended) Language Planning in a Globalising World: Multiple Levels of Players at Work(De Gruyter, 07/2017) McMenamin, James02 - MonographiePublikation Gendergerechte Gestaltung von technikwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen an Fachhochschulen: Synthesebericht(Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2017) Gilbert, Anne-Françoise; Holmeier, Monika05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Innovation in Multistakeholder Settings - The Case of a Wicked Issue in Health Care(Springer, 2017) Rühli, Edwin; Sachs, Sybille; Schmitt, Ruth; Schneider, Thomas01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Innovation in Multistakeholder Settings - The Case of a Wicked Issue in Health Care(Springer, 2017) Rühli, Edwin; Sachs, Sybille; Schmitt, Ruth; Schneider, Thomas; Freeman, Edward R.; Kujala, Johanna; Sachs, Sybille04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation L‘éolien en jeu - Guide pour une démarche participative orientée vers l‘ensemble des acteurs et parties prenantes(Sociolution Sàrl, 2015) Dubois, Ursula; Gonzalez, Brigitte; Schmitt, Ruth05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation How student assistants can do a better job in a “flipped” classroom situation in ACCT 201A, financial accounting introduction class(2014) Gygli, UeliStudent Assistants (SA) commonly take over instructive tasks in a Flipped Classroom, a form of blended learning that has strongly increasing importance in the educational world. While the professor is often busy with the demanding management of the course, SA have a closer connection with the students during the semester, supervising their group work in Small Group Sessions and giving them homework support as tutors in the Assistance Center. This proposal describes methods that give the SA applicable toolsets to help the students clarify their roles in the learning process and navigate through the Flipped Classroom, therefore, empowering them to manage their own learning processes. In addition, it explains ways to organize group work; illustrate and visualize accounting problems, and instruct with a focus on learning objectives. Training in these skills will be an additional benefit and motivation for the SA and will lead to better and more consistent learning outcomes as well.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Wirkungsmessung von Multistakeholderprozessen - Leitfaden für eine Evaluation der gemeinsamen Wertschöpfung(Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 2012) Schmitt, Ruth; Sachs, Sybille; Streiff, Thomas; Schneider, Thomas05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Dealing with wicked issues - Open strategizing and the Camisea case(Springer, 2010) Schmitt, Ruth01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift