Publikation Tutorial: Data anonymisation for open science(08.07.2024) Novak, Jiri; Thees, Oscar; Miletic, Marko; Beranová, AlžbětaOne of the key elements of open science is open data that are available to a wide spectrum of users. Unfortunately, many datasets cannot be publicly available mostly for privacy reasons because data protection laws fundamentally restrict personal data use. In this tutorial, we will go through methods of statistical disclosure control with different anonymisation approaches that can be used to protect data confidentiality. These methods either modify or synthesise data so that they can be disclosed without revealing confidential information that may be associated with specific respondents. In particular, we will discuss non-perturbation and perturbation methods and also methods for synthetic data generation. For these purposes, the usage of packages sdcMicro, simPop, and synthpop will be shown.06 - PräsentationPublikation SMEs talk - startups walk. How startups can benefit from the use of a digital maturity model for SMEs as part of digital transformation?(Springer, 2024) Klotz, Patrick; Eisenbart, Barbara; Verkuil, Arie HansWhile digital transformation has been widely implemented in large corporations, there is a big potential for startups and SMEs which are lacking behind in utilizing this opportunity. This paper aims to raise awareness among startups and SMEs about digital transformation by developing a digital maturity model adopted especially for international distributed work. The model serves as a framework for startups and SMEs to understand which dimensions influence and are important for digital transformation, and what specific questions are relevant for each of the dimensions.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Counter threat finance for strategic competition(Routledge, 2024) Stringer, Kevin; Urban, Madison; Mackay, AndrewIn strategic competition, malign state and non-state actor networks pose significant threats to key national security interests. To understand and combat these networks, counter threat finance, a tool historically used to address narcotics and terrorist financing, can be applied against state actors who use money to gain influence and increase power. Kevin D Stringer, Madison Urban and Andrew Mackay argue for expanding the authority and application of counter threat finance to address state adversaries, and highlight how this is an integral element of a nascent whole-of-nation economic statecraft strategy and an essential step towards gaining the edge in strategic competition.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Evaluation of synthetic data generators on complex tabular data(Springer, 2024) Thees, Oscar; Novak, Jiri; Templ, Matthias; Domingo-Ferrer, Josep; Önen, MelekSynthetic data generators are widely utilized to produce synthetic data, serving as a complement or replacement for real data. However, the utility of data is often limited by its complexity. The aim of this paper is to show their performance using a complex data set that includes cluster structures and complex relationships. We compare different synthesizers such as synthpop, Synthetic Data Vault, simPop, Mostly AI, Gretel, Realtabformer, and arf, taking into account their different methodologies with (mostly) default settings, on two properties: syntactical accuracy and statistical accuracy. As a complex and popular data set, we used the European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions data set. Almost all synthesizers resulted in low data utility and low syntactical accuracy. The results indicated that for such complex data, simPop, a computational and methodological framework for simulating complex data based on conditional modeling, emerged as the most effective approach for static tabular data and is superior compared to other conditional or joint modelling approaches.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Bericht Nachhaltiges Entrepreneurship an der Swiss Innovation Challenge 2023 – Nachhaltigkeit bei der Finanzierung von Startups(Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2024) Verkuil, Arie Hans; Milesi, AngelaSeit 2015 wird von den drei Partnern Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz und Wirtschaftskammer Baselland die Swiss Innovation Challenge durchgeführt, ein Business Plan Wettbewerb, der einen Beitrag zur Innovationsförderung in der Schweiz und damit zur Erhaltung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit leistet. Das mehrmonatige Programm bietet allen Teilnehmenden ein Förder- und Unterstützungsange-bot. Sie können bei der Umsetzung ihrer Geschäftsidee von Fachreferaten, Netzwerkanlässen, diversen Publicity-Massnahmen und individuellem Coaching profitieren. Es gibt drei Ausschei-dungsrunden oder «Pitches», bei denen die Teilnehmendenzahl jeweils von einer Fachjury hal-biert wird. Aus 25 Finalisten wird das Sieger-Team bestimmt. Beteiligen können sich Startups und KMU aus der ganzen Schweiz. Im Rahmen der Wettbe-werbsdurchführungen werden mit den angehenden Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern für Forschungszwecke Interviews durchgeführt. Es sollen Erkenntnisse über die Nachhaltigkeit in den vorgelegten Business- und Geschäftsplänen gewonnen und anonymisiert in einem Bericht dargestellt werden. In der Studie wurde mittels einer Teilnehmendenbefragung erhoben, welche Erwartungen Startups an die Nachhaltigkeitsausrichtung ihrer potenziellen Investoren und Investorinnen haben.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Teaching sustainability to marketing students in an implicit and efficient way(2024) Miller, Barbara Therese; Felder, Juliane06 - PräsentationPublikation Predictors of workplace satisfaction. Working onsite versus working from home(Springer Cham, 2024) Wittmann, Xinhua; Klyushina, Daria; Hinkelmann, Knut; Smuts, HanlieThe Covid-19 pandemic has not only taught us about viral infections, but also provided employers with unique opportunities to experiment with different work modes. What leads employees to be more satisfied: working onsite or working from home? The aim of this paper is to elucidate how the work environment impacts workplace satisfaction. In the framework of Herzberg’s motivation theory, we define the physical, digital, and social environment as the most important hygiene factors. In our study, we investigate the relationship between these hygiene factors and workplace satisfaction. Based on the survey data from office workers in Switzerland, we identify the predictors of workplace satisfaction for working onsite and working from home respectively. Our statistical analysis shows that the three hygiene factors have a significant positive impact on workplace satisfaction both for working onsite and working from home. Specifically, the workplace design in the context of the physical environment stands out to have the strongest effect on the workplace satisfaction for onsite work. In contrast, for working from home, the software availability in the context of the digital environment exerts the greatest influence on workplace satisfaction. Thus, workplace satisfaction can be maximized by targeted optimization of specific aspects of the work environment depending on the work mode.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Collaborative online international learning COIL. Trends, definition & typology(Springer Cham, 2024) Göldi, Susan; Thees, Oscar; Hinkelmann, Knut; Smuts, HanlieCollaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is an increasingly popular element of a modern university’s internationalization strategy and an important measure for in-ternationalization at home. COIL directly contributes to more sustainability and fairness at ter-tiary educational institutions, while participating students are equipped with relevant future skills in international competency. The School of Business of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW started to develop a COIL-program in 2023, to scale-up the preexisting COIL-courses at the school. This initiative revealed that the definition of COIL is still not fully agreed upon and that no typology of COIL has been established. To address these gaps a systematic literature review, using Swisscovery, an extensive database that includes access to databases such as ERIC, OECD library, Psyndex, Teacher Reference Center, WISO and Web of Science was conducted. Based on the findings of the review, a definition and a typology of COIL were developed. This definition and typology were then validated with a series of interviews with COIL experts, including COIL-researchers, COIL-service providers and COIL-champions, meaning COIL-coordinators with experience in setting up dozens of COIL-courses. Based on the findings from the eight interviews the definition and typology were revised. The article shows the increase in the literature on COIL and most frequently addressed themes, such as case studies, assessment, effectiveness, and efficiency. In addition, it presents the synopsis of the experts’ feed-back together with a definition of COIL based on characteristics relating to collaborators, blend-ing with physical exchange and facilitation.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation From potential to action. Strategies for supporting female founders in the pre-start-up phase(2024) Schmutz, Therese; Meyer, Dario; Merz, Daniel; Meyer, Rolf; Buisine, Stéphanie04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Fallstudie 3: On Holding AG(Versus Verlag, 2024) Lombriser, Roman; Lombriser, Roman; Abplanalp, PeterStrategiefall zum Lehrbuch04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Familiarity, use, and perception of AI-powered tools in higher education(ToKnowPress, 2024) Nikoulina, Anya; Caroni, Anna; Dermol, ValerijPurpose: AI-powered tools and the use of these tools for teaching and learning have grown exponentially. While there are several studies that examine students' use of AI tools for learning, the results are inconclusive. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of students' familiarity and use of various AI-powered tools for learning, and to gain greater insight into students' perspectives on the benefits and risks of using AI-powered tools in educational settings. Study design/methodology/approach: The study deployed a survey to understand and compare the degree of familiarity and use of AI-powered tools among first and final-year university students. Additionally, several questions focused specifically on students' concerns regarding the use of AI in their studies. Findings: Results indicate that first-year students exhibited a higher level of familiarity with AI tools prior to the start of their studies, while final-year students demonstrated a deeper and more diverse usage of these technologies. Despite concerns raised, the study does not conclusively support negative impacts on student engagement or development of critical thinking skills. While the study indicated that students are well aware of the general limitations of AI use, they did feel not well supported nor informed as to how AI-powered tools can be used within their studies and have expressed the need for greater support and guidance from the university. Originality/value: Research findings have significant implications for educational institutions and policymakers as they strive to leverage AI effectively to enhance the learning experience while addressing concerns and preferences in this rapidly evolving educational environment.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Simulation of calibrated complex synthetic population data with XGBoost(MDPI, 2024) Gussenbauer, Johannes; Templ, Matthias; Fritzmann, Siro; Kowarik, AlexanderSynthetic data generation methods are used to transform the original data into privacy-compliant synthetic copies (twin data). With our proposed approach, synthetic data can be simulated in the same size as the input data or in any size, and in the case of finite populations, even the entire population can be simulated. The proposed XGBoost-based method is compared with known model-based approaches to generate synthetic data using a complex survey data set. The XGBoost method shows strong performance, especially with synthetic categorical variables, and outperforms other tested methods. Furthermore, the structure and relationship between variables are well preserved. The tuning of the parameters is performed automatically by a modified k-fold cross-validation. If exact population margins are known, e.g., cross-tabulated population counts on age class, gender and region, the synthetic data must be calibrated to those known population margins. For this purpose, we have implemented a simulated annealing algorithm that is able to use multiple population margins simultaneously to post-calibrate a synthetic population. The algorithm is, thus, able to calibrate simulated population data containing cluster and individual information, e.g., about persons in households, at both person and household level. Furthermore, the algorithm is efficiently implemented so that the adjustment of populations with many millions or more persons is possible.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation The role of public funding agencies for startup promotion. An international comparison(Springer Cham, 2024) Schulte, Volker; Birkenmeier, Beat; Verkuil, Arie HansThe article describes start-up promotion policies of governments in an international comparison. It analyses the advantages and disadvantages of subsidies for start-ups.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Empowering sustainability. A tailored support program for Swiss SMEs(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) Pavlova, Pavlina; Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Zuluaga, Dorleta Ibarra; Igartua Lopez, Juan IgnacioSmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Switzerland encounter significant challenges in integrating sustainability into their operations. Internal obstacles like a lack of orientation and limited resources, compounded by external factors such as the absence of tailored standards, hinder progress. This paper presents a support program by the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland (FHNW) and the Aargauische Kantonal Bank (AKB) aimed at catalysing sustainability efforts within SMEs. The program leverages research on the importance of committed top management and past pioneering activities to foster strategic sustainability and green innovation. It offers tailored interventions in strategic setting, knowledge sharing, communication, and partnerships. Utilizing customized questionnaires and expert coaching, SMEs formulate and implement sustainability strategies aligned with their goals. Workshops and storytelling enhance sustainability communication, while networking opportunities facilitate collaboration. Initial results show promising progress, particularly in strategic alignment and communication. Challenges remain in addressing environmental and climate issues. Continued long-term measurement and expanded support offerings hold promise for driving systemic shifts in SME sustainability performance. This paper provides insights into the effectiveness of tailored support mechanisms, paving the way for future initiatives to bolster sustainable practices in the SME sector.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation AI literacy as a threshold concept. Fostering sustainable AI education(2024) Felder, Juliane; Heuss, Sabina; Callegaro, Elena06 - PräsentationPublikation Academic or vocational education? A comparison of the long-term wage development of academic and vocational tertiary degree holders(Springer, 2024) Kriesi, Irene; Sander, FabianEducation is a key determinant of wage development. The relationship between education and wages is particularly strong in countries with vocationally oriented educational systems and a clear distinction between general and vocational education, such as Germany and Switzerland. However, whether general and vocational education offer the same returns to education is an ongoing debate. Previous findings from international research are still inconclusive. Against this background and based on theoretical arguments from human capital and signalling theory and the task-specific learning-by-doing approach, our paper examines the long-term wage development of Swiss university and professional education degree holders from the time they obtain their tertiary degree until their late career. It asks how differences between the two groups in wage development may be explained. Our results, produced with regression decomposition methods, show that within the first 20 years after graduation, university degree holders experience steeper wage growth. An important reason for this difference is that university graduates move more often than vocational tertiary degree holders into well-paid labour market positions endowed with formal authority, management responsibility, and a large proportion of cognitive nonroutine tasks.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Introductory chapter. Prospects for sustainable business development(Springer Cham, 2024) Verkuil, Arie Hans; Hinz, Andreas; Milow, Uta; Al-Kilani, Mahmoud; Verkuil, Arie HansIn the introductory chapter the editors describe the dimensions of sustainable business development from a fundamental and international perspective and encompass aspects of environmental efficiency, social equity, and economic profitability. In addition, they give a short overview of all chapters and the authors.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Short duration, lasting impression. The role of short-term study trips in cross-cultural learning(Springer Cham, 2024) Meyer, Dario; Frey, Alice Lydia; Meyer, Rolf; Hinkelmann, Knut; Smuts, Hanlie04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Global and risk-group stratified well-being and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults. Results from the international COH-FIT Study(Elsevier, 2024) Solmi, Marco; Thompson, Trevor; Estradé, Andrés; Agorastos, Agorastos; Radua, Joaquim; Cortese, Samuele; Dragioti, Elena; Vancampfort, Davy; Thygesen, Lau Caspar; Aschauer, Harald; Schlögelhofer, Monika; Aschauer, Elena; Schneeberger, Andres; Huber, Christian G.; Hasler, Gregor; Conus, Philippe; Do Cuénod, Kim Q.; von Känel, Roland; Arrondo, Gonzalo; Fusar-Poli, Paolo; Gorwood, Philip; Llorca, Pierre-Michel; Krebs, Marie-Odile; Scanferla, Elisabetta; Kishimoto, Taishiro; Rabbani, Golam; Skonieczna-Żydecka, Karolina; Brambilla, Paolo; Favaro, Angela; Takamiya, Akihiro; Zoccante, Leonardo; Colizzi, Marco; Bourgin, Julie; Kamiński, Karol; Moghadasin, Maryam; Seedat, Soraya; Matthews, Evan; Wells, John; Vassilopoulou, Emilia; Gadelha, Ary; Su, Kuan-Pin; Kwon, Jun Soo; Kim, Minah; Young Lee, Tae; Papsuev, Oleg; Manková, Denisa; Boscutti, Andrea; Gerunda, Cristiano; Saccon, Diego; Righi, Elena; Monaco, Francesco; Croatto, Giovanni; Cereda, Guido; Demurtas, Jacopo; Brondino, Natascia; Veronese, Nicola; Enrico, Paolo; Politi, Pierluigi; Ciappolino, Valentina; Pfennig, Andrea; Bechdolf, Andreas; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Kahl, Kai G.; Domschke, Katharina; Bauer, Michael; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Winter, Sibylle; Borgwardt, Stefan; Bitter, Istvan; Balazs, Judit; Czobor, Pál; Unoka, Zsolt; Mavridis, Dimitris; Tsamakis, Konstantinos; Bozikas, Vasilios P.; Tunvirachaisakul, Chavit; Maes, Michael; Rungnirundorn, Teerayuth; Supasitthumrong, Thitiporn; Haque, Ariful; Brunoni, Andre R.; Costardi, Carlos Gustavo; Schuch, Felipe Barreto; Polanczyk, Guilherme; Luiz, Jhoanne Merlyn; Fonseca, Lais; Aparicio, Luana V.M.; Valvassori, Samira Silva; Nordentoft, Merete; Vendsborg, Per B.; Hoffmann, Sofie Have; Sehli, Jihed; Sartorius, Norman; Heuss, Sabina; Guinart, Daniel; Hamilton, Jane Elizabeth; Kane, John M.; Rubio, José M.; Sand, Michael S.; Koyanagi, Ai; Solanes, Aleix; Andreu-Bernabeu, Alvaro; Caceres, Antonia San Jóse; Arango, Celso; Díaz-Caneja, Covadonga M.; Hidalgo-Mazzei, Diego Alberto; Vieta, Eduard; González-Peñas, Javier; Fortea, Lydia; Parellada-Redondo, Mara José; Fullana, Miquel Àngel; Verdolini, Norma; Andrlíková, Eva; Janků, Karolína; Millan, Mark John; Honciuc, Mihaela; Moniuszko-Malinowska, Anna M.; Loniewski, Igor; Samochowiec, Jerzy; Kiszkiel, Łukasz; Marlicz, Maria; Sowa, Paweł Mateusz; Marlicz, Wojciech M.; Spies, Georgina; Stubbs, Brendon; Firth, Joseph; Sullivan, Sarah A.; Darçin, Asli Enez; Aksu, Hatice Bagdatli; Dilbaz, Nesrin; Noyan, C. Onur; Kitazawa, Momoko; Kurokawa, Shunya; Tazawa, Yuuki; Anselmi, Alejandro; Cracco, Cecilia Valentina; Machado, Ana Inés; Estrade, Natalia; De Leo, Diego; Curtis, Jackie; Berk, Michael; Carvalho, Andre Ferrer; Ward, Philip B.; Teasdale, Scott B.; Rosenbaum, Simon; Marx, Wolfgang; Horodnic, Adrian Vasile; Oprea, Liviu; Alexinschi, Ovidiu Eugen; Ifteni, Petru Iulian; Turliuc, Serban; Ciuhodaru, Tudor; Boloş, Alexandra; Matei, Valentin Petre; Nieman, Dorien H.; Sommer, Iris E.C.; van Os, Jim J.; van Amelsvoort, Thérèse A.M.J.; Sun, Ching Fang; Guu, Taiwei; Jiao, Can; Zhang, Jieting; Fan, Jialin; Zou, Liye; Yu, Xin; Chi, Xinli; de Timary, Philippe; van Winkel, Ruud; Ng, Bernardo; Peña de León, Edilberto; Arellano, Ramon; Roman, Raquel; Sanchez, Thelma; Movina, Larisa G.; Morgado, Pedro; Brissos, Sofia; Aizberg, Oleg R.; Mosina, Anna A.; Krinitski, Damir; Mugisha, James; Sadeghi-Bahmani, Dena; Sheybani, Farshad; Sadeghi, Masoud; Hadi, Samira; Brand, Serge; Errázuriz, Antonia; Crossley, Nicolas A.; Ignjatovic-Ristic, Dragana; López-Jaramillo, Carlos Alberto; Efthymiou, Dimitris; Kuttichira, Praveenlal; Kallivayalil, Roy Abraham; Javed, Afzal A.; Afridi, Muhammad Iqbal; James, Bawo Onesirosan; Seb-Akahomen, Omonefe Joy; Fiedorowicz, Jess G.; Daskalakis, Jeff D.; Yatham, Lakshmi N.; Yang, Lin; Okasha, Tarek A.; Dahdouh, Aïcha; Tiihonen, Jari; Shin, Jae Il; Lee, Jinhee; Mhalla, Ahmed; Gaha, Lotfi; Brahim, Takoua; Altynbekov, Kuanysh S.; Negay, Nikolay; Nurmagambetova, Saltanat; Jamei, Yasser Abu; Weiser, Mark B.; Correll, Christoph UlrichInternational studies measuring wellbeing/multidimensional mental health before/ during the COVID-19 pandemic, including representative samples for >2 years, identifying risk groups and coping strategies are lacking. COH-FIT is an online, international, anonymous survey measuring changes in well-being (WHO-5) and a composite psychopathology P-score, and their associations with COVID-19 deaths/restrictions, 12 a-priori defined risk individual/cumulative factors, and coping strategies during COVID-19 pandemic (26/04/2020-26/ 06/2022) in 30 languages (representative, weighted non-representative, adults). T-test, χ2, penalized cubic splines, linear regression, correlation analyses were conducted. Analyzing 121,066/142,364 initiated surveys, WHO-5/P-score worsened intra-pandemic by 11.1±21.1/13.2±17.9 points (effect size d=0.50/0.60) (comparable results in representative/weighted non-probability samples). Persons with WHO-5 scores indicative of depression screening (<50, 13% to 32%) and major depression (<29, 3% to 12%) significantly increased. WHO-5 worsened from those with mental disorders, female sex, COVID-19-related loss, low-income country location, physical disorders, healthcare worker occupations, large city location, COVID-19 infection, unemployment, firstgeneration immigration, to age=18-29 with a cumulative effect. Similar findings emerged for P-score. Changes were significantly but minimally related to COVID-19 deaths, returning to near-pre-pandemic values after >2 years. The most subjectively effective coping strategies were exercise and walking, internet use, social contacts. Identified risk groups, coping strategies and outcome trajectories can inform global public health strategies.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Sustainable entrepreneurship. A cross-country comparison(Springer Cham, 2024) Reineke, Rolf-Dieter; Gottschall, Oliver; Verkuil, Arie Hans04A - Beitrag Sammelband