Institut Beratung, Coaching und Sozialmanagement
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Publikation Potentiels du conseil à distance et expériences des ORP en la matière. Rapport final relatif à l’étude mandatée par le SECO(Institut Beratung, Coaching und Sozialmanagement, Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW, 02/2024) Hörmann, Martina; Wüthrich, Bernadette; Silfverberg, Minnie05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Fostering resilience and well-being in emerging adults with adverse childhood experiences: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the FACE self-help app(BioMed Central, 02/2024) Brodbeck, Jeannette; Bötschi, Salome; Vetsch, Neela Kim; Stallmann, Lina; Löchner, Johanna; Berger, Thomas; Schmidt, Stefanie J.; Marmet, SimonBackground: Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) are linked to an increased risk of psychological disorders and lower psychosocial functioning throughout life. This study aims to evaluate the FACE self-help app, designed to promote resilience and well-being in emerging adults with a history of ACE. The app is based on cognitive- behavioural principles and consists of two thematic components: (1) self- and emotion regulation (SER) and (2) social skills and biases in social information processing (SSIP). Methods: The efficacy of the app will be tested through a single-centre, two-arm randomized controlled trial, comparing an active intervention group against a waiting list control group. The active group is divided into two subgroups, in which the two components are delivered in a different order to investigate differential effects in a crossover design. Up to 250 emerging adults aged 18 to 25 years with a history of ACE from a general population cohort study will be recruited. The primary objective is to test the efficacy of the app in improving resilience (primary outcome) and well-being (co-primary outcome) compared to a waiting list control group and to examine the stability of these effects. The secondary objectives include testing the efficacy of the app in improving the secondary outcomes, i.e., self-efficacy in managing emotions, problem solving, fear of evaluation, social avoidance, and self- esteem; examining the differential effects of the two components; and assessing the effect of the app on real-life data on resilience, affective states, distress in social interactions and coping strategies. Furthermore, the study will investigate potential moderators (e.g. ACE severity) and mediators of intervention outcomes (e.g. self-efficacy in managing emotions). Discussion: The results will provide insights into the efficacy of the self-help intervention as well as mediators and moderators of outcomes. Furthermore, results will extend the existing knowledge by testing the differential effects of the SER and SSIP component on the outcomes. Findings can inform improvements to the FACE app and the development of other interventions for this target group and assess its potential as a scalable, low-threshold intervention to support emerging adults with a history of ACE in their transition to adulthood. Trial registration number: NCT05824182.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Potenziale der Distanzberatung und Erfahrungen der RAV mit Distanzberatung. Schlussbericht zur Studie im Auftrag des SECO(Institut Beratung, Coaching und Sozialmanagement FHNW, 02/2024) Hörmann, Martina; Wüthrich, Bernadette; Silfverberg, Minnie05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Psychische Gesundheit und Resilienzförderung in der Sozialen Arbeit. Das Fire-Modell als Instrument zur Resilienzförderung bei Professionellen der Sozialen Arbeit(Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW, 2024) Keller, Lia; Schenker, Dominik11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Medienkompetenz Blended Counseling. Ein Modell(dgvt-Verlag, 15.06.2023) Camenzind, Gina; Hörmann, Martina; Silfverberg, MinnieDigitale Formate haben in der Beratung an Bedeutung gewonnen. Im Fokus steht hier Blended Counseling, der systematische und passgenaue Mix von digitalen und analogen Kommunikationssettings im Beratungsprozess. Das vorgestellte Modell beschreibt notwendige Kompetenzen für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Blended Counseling. Ein Selbsteinschätzungsbogen gibt Beratenden Orientierung bezüglich ihrer eigenen Kompetenzentwicklung. Beratung kann so flexibel und lebensweltnah gestaltet werden.02 - MonographiePublikation Achieving gender equality through paid and unpaid work: an exploration of mothers’ perspectives on work(MDPI, 05.04.2023) Madörin, Sarah; Jacinto, SofiaThe prevailing understanding of work as paid work is reflected in political efforts to achieve gender equality, which include emphasising that women, like men, should increasingly pursue paid work. This exploratory research aims to question whether this idea to align female with male life patterns is conducive to gender equality and to promote new insights based on mothers’ experiences. Our analysis is based on guided interviews with eight Swiss mothers in part-time employment who have at least one child aged three or older, and a working partner in the same household. The interviews show that these mothers do not share the expectation that all mothers should take on the main responsibility for domestic and care work, nor the expectation that all women should be doing full-time paid work. They would like to see greater acceptance and appreciation of different forms of work. This research concludes that gender justice can be understood as a freedom of choice that includes both the right to be doing paid work and the right to have time for domestic and care work - for men and women. Gender equality efforts do not have to be restricted to one form of work, but can leave room for different types of work and the appreciation of them.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Digitale Beratung in der Sozialen Arbeit(Kohlhammer, 03/2023) Hörmann, Martina; Tschopp, Dominik; Wenzel, JoachimBeratung findet in der Sozialen Arbeit immer häufiger digital statt. Das wirft Fragen zur Kommunikation mit Adressatinnen und Adressaten auf, zum Datenschutz und zur technischen Umsetzung. Diese Einführung arbeitet gezielt die Chancen des digitalen Wandels für die Beratung in der Sozialen Arbeit heraus. Im Fokus stehen die derzeit verbreiteten Formen digitaler Beratung via Video, E-Mail, Messenger, Chat und Telefon, die entweder ausschließlich im digitalen Setting stattfinden oder als Blended Counseling mit Face-to-Face-Beratung vor Ort kombiniert werden. Das Buch liefert konkrete Ansätze, wie Menschen über digitale Formate lebensweltnah und niedrigschwellig angesprochen und professionell beraten werden können.02 - MonographiePublikation Die Nutzung von Videoberatung in der Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung – Erfahrungen aus der Praxis einer Schweizer Beratungsstelle(Springer, 2023) Silfverberg, Minnie; Knickrehm, Barbara; Fletemeyer, Tina; Ertelt, Bernd-JoachimDer Beitrag verknüpft die konzeptionelle Auseinandersetzung zu videogestützter Onlineberatung mit praktischen Erfahrungswerten vor und während der Corona-Pandemie. Ausgangspunkt dafür sind die Einschätzungen und Erfahrungswerte der Beratungspersonen der Beratungsstelle für Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung ask! zwischen 2017 und 2021. Die praktischen Erfahrungswerte werden abgerundet mit in der Praxis bedeutend gewordenen Hinweisen für eine gelungene Umsetzung von Videoberatung in der Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Weinen muss nicht unangenehm sein(Der Bund Verlag AG, 11/2022) Brodbeck, Jeannette01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Associations between social integration, participation and productivity loss among persons with chronic pain: a registry based cross sectional study(BioMed Central, 11/2022) Friedli, Tom; Brodbeck, Jeannette; Gantschnig, Brigitte E.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation A Web-Based Self-help Intervention for Coping With the Loss of a Partner. Protocol for Randomized Controlled Trials in 3 Countries(JMIR Publications, 11/2022) Brodbeck, Jeannette; Bilreiro Jacinto Braga, Ana Sofia; Gouveia, Afonso; Mendonça, Nuno; Madörin, Sarah; Brandl, Lea; Schokking, Lotte; Rodrigues, Ana Maria; Gonçalves, Judite; Mooser, Bettina; Marques, Marta M; Isaac, Joana; Nogueira, Vasco; Matos Pires, Ana; Van Velsen, LexThis study aims to evaluate the clinical efficacy and acceptance of a web-based self-help intervention to support the grief process of older adults who have lost their partner. It will compare the outcomes, adherence, and working alliance in a standardized format with those in a self-tailored delivery format and investigate the effects of age, time since loss, and severityof grief at baseline as predictors. Focus groups to understand user experience and a cost-effectiveness analysis will complementthe study.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Weinen muss nicht unangenehm sein(Tamedia, 11/2022) Brodbeck, Jeannette01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Alles Erfindung? Länderübergreifende Perspektiven auf Beratung und Psychotherapie(Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 10/2022) Bräutigam, Barbara; Hörmann, Martina; Märtens, Michael03 - SammelbandPublikation Selbstorganisation als Treiberin gesellschaftlichen Wandels?(Institut Beratung, Coaching und Sozialmanagement, Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit, 07/2022) Gawron, Marisa; Zängl, Peter; Gander, Thomas05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Lebenssinn und Ressourcen in Psychotherapie und Beratung(Springer, 07/2022) Wüsten, Günther02 - MonographiePublikation Digital und analog im Mix – neue Potenziale in der Beratung(06/2022) Hörmann, Martina10 - Elektronische-/ WebpublikationPublikation The role of emotion regulation and loss-related coping self-efficacy in an internet intervention for grief: mediation analysis.(JMIR Publications, 05/2022) Brodbeck, Jeannette; Berger, Thomas; Biesold, Nicola; Schmidt, Stefanie J.; Znoj, Hansjörg01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Longitudinal development of reasons for living and dying with suicide attempters. A 2-year follow-up study(Frontiers, 05/2022) Gysin-Maillart, Anja C.; Jansen, Rahel; Walther, Sebastian; Jobes, David A.; Brodbeck, Jeannette; Marmet, SimonBackground: Clinical interventions for patients after a suicide attempt might include a focus on Reasons for Living (RFL) and/or Reasons for Dying (RFD). The present study examined the longitudinal development of RFL and RFD in patients with and without a suicide-specific intervention - the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP). Methods: In this secondary analysis of a 2-year follow-up randomized controlled study, participants completed the Suicide Status Form II to assess RFL and RFD, at baseline, as well as at 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-months follow-up. Growth models and latent class analysis were used to investigate longitudinal developments in RFL and RFD. Regression models were used to test the association between RFL, RFD and suicidal reattempts and ideation. Results: Cross-sectionally and longitudinally, RFD, but not RFL, were associated with suicide reattempts and suicidal ideation. The number of RFD decreased significantly across the 24 month period (from 1.90 at t1 to 1.04 at t5 in the control group and from 2.32 at t1 to 0.51 at t5 in the intervention group), and this decrease was stronger (b = −0.02; p = 0.004) in the ASSIP group than in the control group. There was no overall change in RFL. Three latent trajectories of RFD were identified: a decreasing (n = 77), a steady high (n = 17) and a trajectory with first increasing and then decreasing RFD (n = 26). The proportion of patients in the ASSIP intervention was highest in the decreasing trajectory and lowest in the steady high trajectory. Patients in the steady high trajectory were characterized by worse mental health and fewer social obligations (partner, children) at baseline. Conclusion: The results confirm the importance of RFD within the suicidal process and show that the number of RFD can be further reduced over the period of 24 months with short interventions such as ASSIP. The relevance of number of RFL in the suicidal process, as protective factor, was not confirmed. In the subgroup of patients whose RFD did not decrease over a long period of time, there is a particularly high risk of suicidal ideation/behavior. Clinical interventions should focus more closely on RFD, their etiology and maintenance.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Soziale Organisationen an der digitalen Schwelle – ein Modell zum Umgang mit digitalen Herausforderungen(Springer VS, 05/2022) Bestgen, Sarah; Kirchhofer, Roger; Adam, Stefan; Tschopp, Dominik; Gehrlach, Christoph; von Bergen, Matthias; Eiler, Katharina04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Resilienz fördern und soziale Ressourcen entwickeln(ZKS-Verlag, 05/2022) Wüsten, Günther; Kröger, Christine; Hahn, Gernot; Gahleitner, Silke B.04A - Beitrag Sammelband