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Publikation Can GenAI be used as co-author to explain SCM concepts. A framework and numerical evidence(29.04.2024) Wörner, Dominik; Holzapfel, AndreasGenAI isn't accepted as a scientific co-author. Nevertheless, it’s one way students use to collect information. First, a framework will be presented, how GenAI could be used as co-author. Second, the framework will be assessed and validated by numerical evidence. Lessons learned and recommendations will be shared and discussed.06 - PräsentationPublikation 300 Keywords Generative KI. Ökonomische, technische und ethische Grundlagen(Springer, 2024) Bendel, OliverVon A wie Alignment bis Z wie Zensur: Dieses Nachschlagewerk bietet in mehr als 300 Einträgen einen Überblick über das Thema der generativen KI. Es klärt zahlreiche Fachbegriffe, stellt Anwendungsbereiche vor und diskutiert aktuelle Fragestellungen. Dabei spielen neben technischen und wirtschaftlichen Fragen insbesondere ethische und ästhetische eine Rolle. So wird nach der Schönheit von Artefakten gefragt, es wird die Stellung von Bildern zwischen Kunst und Kitsch ausgeleuchtet, und es wird eine Bias-Diskussion zu Text- und Bildgeneratoren geführt. Insgesamt steht der Nutzen der generativen KI im Vordergrund, und die Freude und Lust, sie zu benutzen. Das Buch richtet sich an ein breites Publikum, etwa Journalisten, Politiker und Bürger, aber auch an Wissenschaftler aller Bereiche.02 - MonographiePublikation A decision-support approach for university incubators(Springer, 2024) Laurenzi, Emanuele; Meyer, Dario; Moesch, Patrick; Hinkelmann, Knut; Smuts, Hanlie04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Generative KI aus ethischer Sicht(Schäffer-Poeschel, 2024) Bendel, Oliver; Seufert, Sabine; Handschuh, Siegfried04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation KI-basierte Textgeneratoren aus Sicht der Ethik(De Gruyter, 2024) Bendel, Oliver; Schreiber, Gerhard; Ohly, Lukas04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Überlegungen zu Zweier- und Dreierbeziehungen mit Liebespuppen und Sexrobotern(Kohlhammer, 2024) Bendel, Oliver; Roesler, Christian; Bröning, Sonja04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Watch and Learn: Wie Schüler:innen und Lehrpersonen Erklärvideos für den Naturwissenschaftsunterricht nutzen(Springer, 2024) Labude, Marlene; Vonschallen, Stephan; Krüger, Maleika; Schneider, Charlotte; Metzger, Susanne01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation YouTube vs. Lehrmittel – Lernwirksamkeit von Erklärvideos für den Naturwissenschaftsunterricht(Springer, 2024) Vonschallen, Stephan; Labude, Marlene; Schneider, Charlotte; Krüger, Maleika; Metzger, Susanne01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Large language models: Expectations for semantics-driven systems engineering(Elsevier, 2024) Buchmann, Robert; Eder, Johann; Fill, Hans-Georg; Frank, Ulrich; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Laurenzi, Emanuele; Mylopoulos, John; Plexousakis, Dimitris; Santos, Maribel YasminaThe hype of Large Language Models manifests in disruptions, expectations or concerns in scientific communities that have focused for a long time on design-oriented research. The current experiences with Large Language Models and associated products (e.g. ChatGPT) lead to diverse positions regarding the foreseeable evolution of such products from the point of view of scholars who have been working with designed abstractions for most of their careers - typically relying on deterministic design decisions to ensure systems and automation reliability. Such expectations are collected in this paper in relation to a flavor of systems engineering that relies on explicit knowledge structures, introduced here as “semantics-driven systems engineering”. The paper was motivated by the panel discussion that took place at CAiSE 2023 in Zaragoza, Spain, during the workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Semantics-driven Systems Engineering (KG4SDSE). The workshop brought together Conceptual Modeling researchers with an interest in specific applications of Knowledge Graphs and the semantic enrichment benefits they can bring to systems engineering. The panel context and consensus are summarized at the end of the paper, preceded by a proposed research agenda considering the expressed positions.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation @llegra: a chatbot for Vallader(Springer, 2024) Bendel, Oliver; Jabou, DalilExtinct and endangered languages have been preserved primarily through audio conservation and the collection and digitization of scripts and have been promoted through targeted language acquisition efforts. Another possibility would be to build conversational agents like chatbots or voice assistants that can master these languages. This would provide an artificial, active conversational partner which has knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar and allows one to learn with it in a different way. The chatbot, @llegra, with which one can communicate in the Rhaeto-Romanic idiom Vallader was developed in 2023 based on GPT-4. It can process and output text and has voice output. It was additionally equipped with a manually created knowledge base. After laying the conceptual groundwork, this paper presents the preparation and implementation of the project. In addition, it summarizes the tests that native speakers conducted with the chatbot. A critical discussion elaborates advantages and disadvantages. @llegra could be a new tool for teaching and learning Vallader in a memorable and entertaining way through dialog. It not only masters the idiom, but also has extensive knowledge about the Lower Engadine, that is, the area where Vallader is spoken. In conclusion, it is argued that conversational agents are an innovative approach to promoting and preserving languages.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation “Ick bin een Berlina”: dialect proficiency impacts a robot’s trustworthiness and competence evaluation(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2024) Kühne, Katharina; Herbold, Erika; Bendel, Oliver; Zhou, Yuefang; Fischer, Martin H.Background: Robots are increasingly used as interaction partners with humans. Social robots are designed to follow expected behavioral norms when engaging with humans and are available with different voices and even accents. Some studies suggest that people prefer robots to speak in the user’s dialect, while others indicate a preference for different dialects.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation On the importance of CI/CD practices for database applications(Wiley, 2024) Fluri, Jasmin; Fornari, Fabrizio; Pustulka, ElzbietaContinuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) automate software integration and reduce repetitive engineering work. While the use of CI/CD presents efficiency gains, in database application development, this potential has not been fully exploited. We explore the state of the art in this area, with a focus on current practices, common software tools, challenges, and preconditions that apply to database applications. The work is grounded in a synoptic literature review and contributes a novel generic CI/CD pipeline for database system application development. Our generic pipeline was tailored to three industrial development use cases in which we measured the benefits of integration and deployment automation. The measurements demonstrate clearly that introducing CI/CD had significant benefits. It reduced the number of failed deployments, improved their stability, and increased the number of deployments. Interviews with the developers before and after the implementation of the CI/CD show that the pipeline brings clear benefits to the development team (i.e., a reduced cognitive load). These findings put current database release practices driven by business expectations, such as fixed release windows, in question.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Subjective long-term emotional and social effects of recreational MDMA use: the role of setting and intentions(Springer, 2024) Elmer, Timon; Vannoy, Tanya K.; Studerus, Erich; Lyubomirsky, SonjaMDMA is a recreational drug commonly used to enhance euphoria, but it is also used in non-party settings with self-insight or social connection intentions. Yet, little is known about whether distinct consumer groups are formed based on consumption setting and intention. We aimed to characterize different types of recreational MDMA users based on consumption setting and intentions, and to examine their differences in perceptions of long-term social-emotional effects of MDMA use. We analyzed self-reports of 766 individuals (ages 18–61, mostly from Western countries), reporting on their MDMA consumption habits and perceived effects. We used a K-medoids clustering algorithm to identify distinct types of consumption settings and intentions. We identified three setting types – party settings with friends (N = 388), private home settings (N = 132), mixed settings (N = 246) – and three intention types – euphoria and energy (N = 302), self-insight (N = 219), mixed intentions (N = 245). Members of the self-insight and mixed intentions clusters reported considerably more long-term socio-emotional benefits than members of the euphoria and energy cluster. No differences were observed between the setting clusters. In this particular sample, more long-term benefits than harms were reported. Our findings suggest that the long-term social-emotional benefits of MDMA are associated with whether users seek self-insight or have mixed intentions.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Security information and event management EDO4SIEM. A generic model for evaluation, deployment and operation(21.10.2023) Rosenberg, Maximilian; Schneider, Bettina; Scherb, Christopher; Asprion, Petra Maria06 - PräsentationPublikation Führung im Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz – Untersuchung der Einflüsse und Auswirkungen in international tätigen Versicherungsunternehmen(Springer Vieweg, 28.07.2023) Resch, Dörte; Richter, Sarah-Louise; Dornberger, RolfDiese Studie untersucht die Auswirkungen von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) auf die Führung in international tätigen Versicherungsunternehmen. Da das Versicherungswesen ein mustergültiges Beispiel für eine datenintensive Branche ist, setzen Unternehmen bereits KI-gestützte Technologie ein und suchen nach Möglichkeiten für die weitere Nutzung. Jeder wichtige Schritt in der Automatisierung kann jedoch eine Verschiebung im Verständnis von Führung auslösen. Es wurde eine Forschungslücke in Bezug auf Führung in Versicherungsunternehmen festgestellt, die mit dem Einsatz von KI konfrontiert sind. Konkret soll untersucht werden, wie sich Führung durch den Einsatz von KI als Beispiel der Digitalisierung verändern könnte. Für diese Studie wurden im Rahmen eines interpretativen Ansatzes qualitative Daten in 19 semi-strukturierten Interviews erhoben, wobei die Befragten fünf Versicherungsunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Westeuropa repräsentierten. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass der Einsatz von KI und seine Auswirkungen auf die Führung eng mit den zugrundeliegenden Strukturen der Branche verbunden sind, die überhaupt erst zu dem bestehenden Führungsdiskurs und Selbstverständnis der Organisation geführt haben. Die Auswirkungen von KI hängen wiederum vom Führungsdiskurs und den bestehenden Strukturen ab. Wird KI also nur in Übereinstimmung mit dem aktuellen Diskurs eingesetzt, sind die Auswirkungen auf die Führung minimal. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass der Einsatz von KI-gestützter Software an sich kaum einen Wandel in der Führung auslösen wird. Dennoch birgt KI ein erhebliches Potenzial für Versicherungsunternehmen. So könnte KI beispielsweise die Kernkompetenzen des Versicherers unterstützen und Unternehmen mit breiteren Ökosystemen und Kundengemeinschaften verbinden.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Cybersecurity governance – An adapted practical framework for small enterprises(2023) Asprion, Petra; Gossner, Philipp; Schneider, Bettina; Bui, Tung X.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Determination of weights for multiobjective combinatorial optimization in incident management with an evolutionary algorithm(IEEE, 2023) Gachnang, Phillip; Ehrenthal, Joachim; Telesko, Rainer; Hanne, ThomasIncident management in railway operations includes dealing with complex and multiobjective planning problems with numerous constraints, usually with incomplete information and under time pressure. An incident should be resolved quickly with minor deviations from the original plans and at acceptable costs. The problem formulation usually includes multiple objectives relevant to a railway company and the employees involved in controlling operations. Still, there is little established knowledge and agreement regarding the relative importance of objectives such as expressed by weights. Due to the difficulties in assessing weights in a multiobjective context directly involving decision makers, we elaborate on the autoconfiguration of weighted fitness functions based on nine objectives used in a related Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. Our approach proposes an evolutionary algorithm and tests it on real-world railway incident management data. The proposed method outperforms the baseline, where weights are equally distributed. Thus, the algorithm shows the capability to learn weights in future applications based on the priorities of employees solving railway incidents which is not yet possible due to an insufficient availability of real-life data from incident management. - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Measuring the benefits of CI/CD practices for database application development(2023) Fluri, Jasmin; Fornari, Fabrizio; Pustulka, ElzbietaModern software development practices automate software integration and reduce repetitive software engineering work. Automation reduces the time it takes from defining software requirements to deploying the software in production. However, when it comes to database applications, the database integration and deployment are often executed manually, making it costly and error-prone. To mitigate this, we extended current software development methodologies by designing a CI/CD pipeline that takes into consideration the database setting. We report on two industrial case studies in which we implemented a newly designed pipeline and we measure the benefits of integration and deployment automation in database development projects. From a quantitative perspective, we found that introducing CI/CD pipelines reduces failed deployments, improves stability and increases the number of executed deployments. From a qualitative perspective, we interviewed the developers before and after the implementation of the CI/CD pipeline and the results show the CI/CD pipeline brings clear benefits to the development team (i.e., reduced cognitive load). This finding puts current database release practices driven by business expectations such as fixed release windows in question.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Digitale Innovation und digitale Business-Transformation im Zeitalter des digitalen Wandels(Springer Vieweg, 2023) Dornberger, Rolf; Schwaferts, Dino; Dornberger, Rolf04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Peer instruction as teaching method in cybersecurity and data privacy(International School for Social and Business Studies, 2023) Schneider, Bettina; Asprion, PetraCybersecurity and data privacy are important fields today. Basic education in these two interconnected areas should already be offered in schools, as practically everyone today can encounter the dangers and risks of the Internet in terms of data theft, data manipulation or the like. However, the topics of cybersecurity and data privacy are generally abstract, and many people are not interested in such rather technical topics. To arouse interest and provide a certain basic education, we used ‘peer instruction’ combined with storytelling as a promising method. Within the framework of an EU project called GEIGER and with the support of students who have learned data privacy by means of the presented method, the method has been further developed, applied, tested, reflected, and iteratively improved. In summary, the method presented is useful for the topics of cybersecurity and data privacy, but the recommendations compiled must be considered in particular with regard to careful preparation and testing.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift