Allen, Jamie

Allen, Jamie


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  • Publikation
    Media Labs – Medienlabore als gestalterische Experimentier- und Forschungsräume
    (Christoph Merian Verlag, 2017) Mareis, Claudia; Allen, Jamie; Langkilde, Kirsten [in: Poetry of the Real]
    The contribution deals with ongoing research projects and methods being employed at the Academy of Art and Design’s Critical Media Lab and puts them into the context of current Media-Lab discussions such as the recently launched initiative “What’s a Media Lab” by Darren Wershler, Jussi Parikka and Lori Emerson, or the recently published book “New Laboratories” (De Gruyter 2016) by Charlotte Klonk of the BWG Cluster of Excellence in Berlin. These discourses at the interface of scholarly, scientific-technical and, above all, artistic research, focus, on the one hand, on situated practices and methods of experimentation and, on the other, address the hybridization and problematization of disciplinary and institutional knowledge and production spaces.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Critical Infrastructure: A Peer-Reviewed Journal About
    (01.06.2014) Allen, Jamie [in: APRJA]
    The essay and ideas included here is a discussion of the topics raised through CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, an artistic research and production residency that took place as part of the lead up to the transmediale festival, afterglow, 2014. The project’s initiation was about uncovering the resources and reserves of physical and material energies, signals and data that scaffold the very possibility of post-digital art-and-technology practices. Through a series of public workshops, and an installation project situated within the transmediale 2014 festival, CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE’s ‘post-digitality’ is not only historical-temporal, but immediate, and dredged up from below, in the present. The artistic project stemming from research and public events through the project creates a media-archaeological site-survey, revealing data and depth of the present moment of an art and technology festival.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift