Nussli, Natalie

Nussli, Natalie


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    A systematic, inquiry-based 7-Step Virtual Worlds Teacher Training
    (SAGE, 10/2016) Nussli, Natalie; Oh, Kevin [in: E-Learning and Digital Media]
    Eighteen special education teachers explored one prominent example of three-dimensional virtual worlds, namely Second Life. This study aimed to (a) determine their perception of the effectiveness of a systematic 7-Step Virtual Worlds Teacher Training workshop in terms of enabling them to make informed decisions about the usability of virtual worlds for students with social skills challenges and (b) determine whether there was a teacher change of attitude resulting from engagement in this systematic workshop. The seven steps are described in detail. The teachers’ change of attitude was statistically significant with a large effect size. The teachers’ feedback on the effectiveness of the training program resulted in 14 practical guidelines, which informed the revised 4-Step VirtualWorlds Teacher Training model that can be used both in general and special education with minor adjustments depending on the teacher and student population.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Discussions in three-dimensional virtual worlds: Benefits of participation and strategies for the facilitation of in-world discussions
    (11.05.2016) Nussli, Natalie; Oh, Kevin
    Social interactions in three-dimensional (3D) virtual worlds are examined from two perspectives: the benefits of virtual discussion group participation and best practices in terms of virtual discussion group facilitation. The objectives of this qualitative study were to identify what makes a virtual discussion or support group in a 3D platform appealing and how these discussions can be facilitated effectively, with a special focus on developing a sense of community. The content analysis of 18 observation events (total of 17 hours), three field notes, one text-chat log, two interviews, and an ethnographic fieldwork journal has generated three major themes: benefits of participation, facilitation strategies, and social cues. Identifying the way people communicate virtually helps design these spaces to support social needs. The society can take advantage of this mode of communication to pursue various objectives, such as using 3D virtual discussion groups for educational purposes, promoting mental health support groups, and as a practice platform for people with social skills challenges.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Challenging, eye-opening, and changing. U.S. teacher training in Korea: Creating experiences that will enhance global perspectives
    (Indiana University Press, 10/2014) Oh, Kevin; Nussli, Natalie [in: Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning]
    This study explored the short-term international experience of pre-service teachers to create and enhance global perspectives. These teachers (n=5), all female graduate students at a university in the U.S., were fully immersed in a foreign culture for three weeks while teaching English to primary and secondary students in Korea. Pre-, during-, and post-data were collected using surveys, interviews, and journals to investigate how the participants work and live while being completely immersed in a new culture. Overall, teachers expressed a transformation in both their teaching philosophy and cultural perspectives despite the short duration of the experience. They also reported that this linguistic and cultural immersion had not only advanced their global perspective but had also provided them with the necessary tools and understanding to work with diverse populations more emphatically and effectively. The findings suggest that additional teacher training is needed to best prepare new teachers for today’s classrooms.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Collaborative science learning in three-dimensional immersive virtual worlds: Pre-service teachers' experiences in Second Life
    (07/2014) Nussli, Natalie; Oh, Kevin [in: Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia]
    The purpose of this mixed methods study was to enculturate pre-service teachers into Second Life (SL), a three-dimensional immersive virtual world, and to measure their change in attitude towards the potential of SL for education. By completing collaborative assignments in SL, nineteen pre-service general education teachers explored an educational, marine biology island in SL and evaluated its potential for incorporation in general and special education curricula. A pre- and post-survey inquired about the participants’ perception of the usability of virtual worlds for education. Participants collaboratively explored the marine ecosystem of the Abyss Observatory (Nishimura, Lim, & Koyamada, 2012), reflected on its unique affordances, and designed activities for an inclusive classroom, framed by a pedagogical rationale. The difference between the participants’ two attitude scores generated by the pre- and post-survey was calculated and was found to be statistically significant with a large effect size. Results suggest that this 7-Step Virtual Worlds Teacher Training Workshop had a positive impact on the participants’ attitude towards integration of SL into teaching. Five themes emerged with regards to the unique affordances of the Abyss Observatory’s deep-sea area. Finally, the “Teacher-Prep Virtual World Six-Step Model” for effective pre-service teacher preparation for teaching in SL was developed.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Teacher training in the use of a three-dimensional immersive virtual world: Building understanding through first-hand experiences
    (Indiana University Press, 06/2014) Oh, Kevin; Nussli, Natalie [in: Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology]
    This study offers recommendations and a model for other teacher educators who are interested in training teachers in the use of three-dimensional (3D) immersive virtual worlds (IVWs) for their own teaching. Twelve special education teachers collaboratively explored the usability of Second Life (SL) for special education by completing a full inquiry cycle to develop the ability to make informed decisions about the affordances and challenges of virtual world teaching and to help identify effective components for virtual worlds teacher training. Ten educational SL islands were explored critically. Mixed-methods data analysis and triangulation were based on the analysis and synthesis of a preliminary survey, a mid-reflection after several virtual explorations, the collaborative analysis of an existing SL lesson plan, the collaborative development of a SL lesson plan, a post-reflection, and a post-survey. Several key benefits of 3D IVWs for special education students emerged from the qualitative analyses, namely social skills practice, collaborative learning towards a joint goal with a competitive element, and increased motivation to participate, especially for topics that would otherwise be perceived as boring. The qualitative data informed the development of guidelines for virtual worlds teacher training and the elements of an ideal SL island designed for special education. The change of attitude towards the usability of virtual worlds in education as a result of the workshop was not statistically significant.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Effective teacher training in the use of three-dimensional immersive virtual worlds for learning and instruction purposes: A literature review
    (04/2014) Nussli, Natalie; Oh, Kevin [in: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education]
    The overarching question that guides this review is to identify the key components of effective teacher training in the use of three-dimensional (3D) immersive virtual worlds (IVWs) for learning and instruction purposes. The process of identifying the essential components of effective teacher training in the use of 3D IVWs will be described step-by-step. First, the need of virtual teacher training will be established (why), followed by the identification of the required teaching skills. Next, existing empirical guidelines for teaching in 3D IVWs will be presented from which the skills required for effective teaching in 3D IVWs will be extrapolated (what). The final step (how) will consist of presenting teachers with compelling evidence of the unique affordances of 3D IVWs for education, with the goal to promote teachers’ commitment to the use of 3D IVWs. Implications will be relevant for teacher educators, pre- and in-service teachers, administrators, principals, and instructional designers.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Creating a global second language acquisition classroom using a virtual environment
    (IARIA, 03/2014) Oh, Kevin; Nussli, Natalie; Marquand, Michelle; White, Stephen; Lakhani, Murtuza Ali [in: The Sixth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL)]
    This study reports on the findings of a case study with English language learners and special education teachers who met in Second Life for conversation practice. The English language learners had a much more positive attitude towards the usability of Second Life for language learners than the special education teachers. Findings suggest that language instructors teaching in a three-dimensional immersive virtual world must be equipped with unique teaching skills. Interaction among conversation partners must be maximized to ensure a successful language learning experience. The lesson design must be carefully planned to take full advantage of the potential of virtual worlds and their relatively authentic and contextualized settings. A virtual world may be conducive to oral fluency enhancement, provided that activities are set up appropriately and there is ample support from the instructor. Extensive challenges inherent to the lesson design and audio quality were identified. Guidelines on how to address these challenges are addressed. These findings will be relevant to other language instructors who plan to use Second Life for oral fluency enhancement.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Technology-enhanced language learning: A case study of a global classroom in Second Life
    (01/2014) Oh, Kevin; Nussli, Natalie [in: International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences]
    This study reports on a case study about conversation practice in Second Life, a three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment, between 12 English language learners and 18 special education teachers. The purpose of the study was to examine participants' perceptions of the usability of virtual worlds as a language learning platform and to identify the unique skills required for successful teaching in a 3D environment. Specifically, the anxiety-reducing features of the virtual, anonymous environment in which oral language skills can be practiced through avatars were investigated. Extensive challenges inherent to the lesson design and audio quality were identified in this study. Guidelines on how to address these challenges as well as ideas for alternative, more effective learning designs, such as the discussion group format, are outlined. The study resulted in nine suggestions for virtual conversation practice in 3D environments. These findings will be relevant to other language instructors who plan to use Second Life or a similar virtual world for oral fluency enhancement in collaborative language practice.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift