Meyer, Mona
FDI motives and city location preferences in the automotive and commercial banking industries
2023, Danes, Dan, van Eijck, Patrick, Lindeque, Johan Paul, Meyer, Mona, Peter, Marc K.
Cities remain an understudied unit of analysis for understanding the motives of multinational enterprises’ (MNE) foreign direct investment (FDI), with subnational locations in International Business (IB) research to date predominantly captured via the phenomenon of agglomeration. As regional integration projects, such as the European Union and to a lesser degree NAFTA, increasingly reduce the importance of national institutional environments, this paper argues regional and subnational levels become more important for studying MNE location choice. A qualitative deductive bottom-up multiple-case study research design is adopted to study the city location choices and FDI motives of six automotive and six commercial banking companies. These purposefully sampled manufacturing and service MNEs have different home countries and regional orientations. Data on their foreign investments across the ex-tended Triad of Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific were collected for the time period of 2000-2021. Findings suggest that different classes of city tend to attract specific types of FDI and that these patterns might vary across sectors and be influenced by the regional strategic orientations of MNEs. Industry specific findings reveal the importance of related and support industries and partners in a city location for the automotive MNEs, while the commercial banks seek investment opportunities in cities that allow acquisition targets that have an attractive customer based and will improve their local market knowledge. The findings provide evidence in support of MNEs in manufacturing and service industries perceiving the attractiveness of three city types in different ways across the Triad regions.
Die Bedeutung von Entrepreneurship
2016-06-01, Meyer, Rolf, Köhle, Ivan, Meyer, Mona, Meyer, Rolf, Köhle, Ivan, Meyer, Mona
Volkswirtschaftliche, individuelle und hochschulinterne Bedeutung von Entrepreneurship
Stimmungsbarometer Arbeitgeberverband Basel 2015
2015, Meyer, Rolf, Meyer, Mona
Momentaufnahme der Basler Wirtschaft zum aktuellen Geschäftsgang und zu den Standortfaktoren
Business Model Innovation Feldstudie und Konzeptentwicklung Kanton Schwyz
2019, Meyer, Rolf, Peter, Marc K., Meyer, Mona
Business Model Innovation Feldstudie und Konzeptentwicklung Kanton Schwyz
Exklusive Einblicke in die Startup Szene Schweiz. Eindrückliche Ergebnisse und nützliche Tipps aus verschiedenen Branchen
2016-06-01, Meyer, Mona, Köhle, Ivan
Einblicke in ausgewählte Aspekte von Startups in der Schweiz.
Case Studies. Spannende Einblicke in innovative Unternehmen und Start-ups
2016-06-01, Meyer, Rolf, Meyer, Mona, Köhle, Ivan
17 Case Studies von innovativen Startups in der Schweiz.
7 Schlüssel Modell
2016-06-01, Meyer, Rolf, Meyer, Mona, Meyer, Rolf, Köhle, Ivan
7 Schlüssel Modell zur Entwicklung von Geschäftsideen. Eigenes Modell