Zahn, Carmen
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- PublicationDoppelt gelernt hält besser(13.11.2018) Ruf, Alessia; Zahn, Carmen [in: Aargauer Zeitung, Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, Solothurner Zeitung]01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
- PublicationaWall: Agile Collaboration using Large Digital Multi-Touch Cardwalls(12/2016) Anslow, Craig; Burkhard, Roger; Kropp, Martin; Mateescu, Magdalena; Vischi, Dario; Zahn, Carmen [in: IMVS Fokus Report]Despite the availability of many digital agile board tools, most co-located agile software teams still use physical cardboards for their daily standup meetings. This is due to the fact that existing digital agile boards lacks supporting a collaborative workspace, direct interaction for the whole team in meetings, or making project information directly visible. In this paper we present aWall, a digital agile cardwall designed for the highly collaborative agile work style using large multi-touch wall displays. The effectiveness of aWall was evaluated in a user study with eleven software practitioners. Our findings indicate that aWall enables and encourages team work due to the large size of the wall, accessibility and visibility of large amounts of information, and possibility of customization of the interface. Based on this work, we suggest that augmenting digital cardwalls with large interactive touch technology and new interaction concepts is a useful way to support effective collaborative agile software development processes.01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
- PublicationMacht Gewalt in Unterhaltungsmedien aggressiv?(Spektrum, 2015) Rothmund, Tobias; Elson, Malte; Appel, Markus; Kneer, Julia; Pfetsch, Jan; Schneider, Frank; Zahn, Carmen [in: Gehirn und Geist]Fernsehzuschauer werden regelmäßig Zeugen brutaler Verbrechen, Computerspieler schlüpfen in die Rolle von Soldaten oder Scharfschützen. Lässt die Gewalt, die Menschen in Unterhaltungsmedien erleben, sie auch selbst aggressiver denken und handeln? Eine Expertenkommission von sieben Medienpsychologen fasst zu dieser Frage den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zusammen.01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung