von Kutzschenbach, Michael

von Kutzschenbach
von Kutzschenbach, Michael


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    Der TT-BMI Design Sprint Ansatz zur Initiierung von Geschäftsmodellinnovationen für Nachhaltigkeit mit Studierenden und KMUs
    (Institut für Unternehmensführung, 04.04.2023) Wyss, Ananda; von Kutzschenbach, Michael; Meyer, Rolf
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Challenging the existing approach to business model innovation for sustainability. How might a co-emergent approach to change move us beyond the “(Business) Model” paradigm
    (Maastricht University Press, 2023) von Kutzschenbach, Michael; Wyss, Ananda; Kerr, Iain; Frasca, Jason [in: New Business Models Conference Proceedings 2023]
    The Circular Economy concept has gained interest in recent times but has also received criticism for their lack of holistic and radical approaches in addressing the root of sustainability issues. Experimentation is rightly considered necessary in business model innovation for sustainability (BMIfS). However, current approaches to experimentation have limitations and biases that lead to incremental changes rather than the necessary transformative change. We contend that existing approaches to experimentation must be rooted in something other than incremental change. The focus on short-term results and existing problematic models hinders achieving greater sufficiency and regeneration. A more radical, world-making business model innovation is needed to overcome these limitations. This calls for aspirational approaches that involve an experimental, co-emergent process that embraces open-ended experimentation and co-creation with stakeholders. The concept of emergence is critical in this regard, as it requires a deliberate open-ended process to co-emerge with experiments. The concept of exaptation, borrowed from evolutionary biology, can be combined with co-emergent processes to bring about qualitative novelty and foster a more exploratory co-evolutionary approach to innovation. This radical, world-making approach to BMIfS offers a promising approach to lead to transformative change. By embracing exaptation and co-emergence, organizations can co-evolve dynamically with new possibilities and are thus better equipped to navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of sustainability. Our research aims to develop further this co-emergent alternative for BMIfS with a context-sensitive approach based on heuristics, not rules.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Decision-makers’ understanding of cyber-security’s systemic and dynamic complexity: insights from a board game for bank managers
    (MDPI, 2022) Zeijlemaker, Sander; Rouwette, Etiënne A. J. A.; Cunico, Giovanni; Armenia, Stefano; von Kutzschenbach, Michael [in: Systems]
    Cyber-security incidents show how difficult it is to make optimal strategic decisions in such a complex environment. Given that it is hard for researchers to observe organisations’ decisionmaking processes driving cyber-security strategy, we developed a board game that mimics this real-life environment and shows the challenges of decision-making. We observed cyber-security experts participating in the game. The results showed that decision-makers who performed poorly tended to employ heuristics, leading to fallacious decision approaches (overreaction strategies in place of proactive ones), and were not always aware of their poor performances. We advocate the need for decision support tools that capture this complex dynamic nature.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Inter- und Transdisziplinäre Innovationsansätze mit Studierenden und Firmen: Analyse und Bewertung von bestehenden Best-Practice-Fällen und Ansätzen
    (Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 08/2021) Wyss, Ananda; von Kutzschenbach, Michael; Meyer, Rolf
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Studierende innovieren zukunftsfähige Geschäftsmodelle für KMUs: Übersicht zu bestehenden Initiativen und Ansätzen
    (Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 2021) Wyss, Ananda; von Kutzschenbach, Michael; Meyer, Rolf
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Sustainable business model innovation for society 5.0. Towards a collaborative, inter- and transdisciplinary approach with students and organizations
    (2021) Wyss, Ananda; Meyer, Rolf; von Kutzschenbach, Michael; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Society 5.0 2021. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Society 5.0]
    Digital transformation and sustainability are but two developments in a society 5.0 that challenge businesses to rethink their business models. Sustainable business model innovation should enable companies to operate within planetary boundaries while ensuring their long-term success. Following a design-based approach, this action-oriented research addresses how higher education institutions can offer educational initiatives that strengthen students’ and organizations’ capabilities for sustainable business model innovation. This paper confirms and addresses the need for more research on collaborative, inter- and transdisciplinary educational approaches for sustainable business model innovation with students and organizations.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Using feedback systems thinking to explore theories of digital business for medtech companies
    (Springer, 2018) von Kutzschenbach, Michael; Schmid, Alexander; Schoenenberger, Lukas; Dornberger, Rolf [in: Business information systems and technology 4.0. New trends in the age of digital change]
    The rapid innovation of digital technologies poses a significant challenge to the healthcare sector. Digital technologies are transforming stakeholder relationships among established industry actors, including those of manufacturers, hospitals, and patients. To be ahead of competitors and to maintain profitability, medical device technology manufacturers (medtech companies) are urged to shift their business focus from product to customer excellence and thus invest in service offerings, focusing on the costs of alternative value delivery and patient outcomes. Such investments require a systemic and holistic understanding of how these changes in strategy affect the external and internal competitive environment. In this chapter, we propose the use of feedback systems thinking to explore the intended and unintended consequences of shifts in strategy, from sequential value chains to platform-oriented thinking. Taking the perspective of a medtech company in the value chain, we highlight challenges arising from hidden limits to growth that prevent the realization of intended achievements. Based on this, we develop hypotheses for the intended and unintended consequences of investing in digital service offerings. We conclude with a discussion of how systems thinking and modeling can support digital strategy development.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    And Then a Miracle Occurs - Engaging the challenge of operationalizing theories of success in digital transformation
    (2017) von Kutzschenbach, Michael [in: Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics]
    Digital transformation programs do not have an enviable track record of success. The technical potential of digital technologies is seemingly limitless but it must be grounded in a clear understanding of how the firm creates fundamental values.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Frischer (Fahrt-)Wind
    (Swiss Professional Media, 2016) von Kutzschenbach, Michael; Zhong, Jia [in: Unternehmer Zeitung]
    Die Autohersteller befinden sich in einer heissen Transformationsphase. Die Autos werden zunehmend intelligenter. Gleichzeitig eröffnen neue digitale Technologien unzählige Möglichkeiten für neue Geschäftsmodelle rund ums Auto. Fünf Experten aus der Automobilindustrie, der Forschung und dem Technologiesektor haben uns Einblicke in die Zukunft gewährt.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Engaging Sustainability - A Multilevel Approach to Strategic Sustainability Challenges
    (20.06.2014) von Kutzschenbach, Michael; Brønn, Carl
    Sustainability challenges the limits of human decision making capability but managerial prescriptions and recommendations for sustainability are mostly based on simplifying disciplinary assumptions that reduce the complexity of the challenge that organizations face. This limits the effectiveness of organizational initiatives for change. A deeper appreciation of the problem context is required. When is coupled with a process-oriented problem structuring methodology and a learning-based approach to innovation, this can result in organizational strategies that are both more effective and that ensure organizational flourishing. This paper describes an engagement process that is based on three elements: an inquiry and structuring process based on Aristotelian causality, the use of systems thinking for analysis and communication, and an innovation process based on the logic of effectuation. Aristotelian causality is the foundation of the engagement process and links systems thinking and effectuation in a natural way. The organizations learning culture is shown to be a key element in the engagement process.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift