Nadai, Eva

Nadai, Eva


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    Win-win. The deployment of disabled workers between common good and free riding
    (22.06.2017) Nadai, Eva
    The paper focuses the use of direct and indirect financial incentives, in particular temporary wage subsidies for hiring disability insurance clients and different forms of fixed term work trials to address employers. For employers, these work trials constitute free labour because workers receive disability insurance benefits instead of a salary. Again, financial incentives pose a policy (and moral) dilemma. On the one hand, they serve the common good by promoting the em-ployment of a category of workers who by themselves are not competitive in the labour market. On the other hand, private businesses profit from subsidized labour without being obliged to offer long-term regular employment. In an ethnographic study on the relations between disability in-surance and employers we found three main patterns of (not) using disabled workers: categori-cal exclusion, temporary tolerance and systematic use of subsidised labour. The paper discuss-es the function of wage subsidies and work trials for these deployment patterns and under what circumstances the use of subsidized disabled workers is framed as serving the common good or constituting ‘egotistic’ profit-seeking.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Die Beschäftigung von Behinderten zwischen „sozialer Verantwortung“ und „ökonomischer Realität“. Betriebliche Kalküle und Formate zur Wertbestimmung von Arbeitskräften
    (10.06.2016) Nadai, Eva
    Im Zuge der rekommodifizierenden Transformation des Wohlfahrtsstaats der letzten Jahrzehnte wurden die Grenzen der Arbeitsfähigkeit ausgedehnt. Insbesondere sind gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen nicht mehr die „besten Passierscheine (...) um in den Genuss von Fürsorge zu kommen“, wie Robert Castel einst postulierte. International setzt die Behindertenpolitik verstärkt auf die Reintegration von Behinderten in den Arbeitsmarkt. Der Erfolg dieser Politik ist indes abhängig von der Bereitschaft von Unternehmen, tatsächlich Arbeitskräfte (weiter) zu beschäftigen, deren Leistungsfähigkeit infrage steht. Aus wirtschaftssoziologischer Perspektive stellt sich das soziale Problem der Beschäftigung von Behinderten als Frage der Wertbestimmung von Arbeitskraft dar; sozialpolitisch als Frage der adäquaten Steuerungsinstrumente. Die Behindertenpolitik laviert gegenwärtig zwischen (finanziellen) Anreizen und rechtlichen Auflagen für Arbeitgeber. Weil letztere in der Schweiz weitgehend fehlen, setzen Politik und Invalidenversicherung (IV) auf Überzeugungsarbeit. In Öffentlichkeitskampagnen und im direkten Kontakt zwischen IV-Stellen und Unternehmen lässt sich eine Gemengelage von ökonomische Argumenten und Appellen an soziale Verantwortung beobachten. Die Beschäftigung von „leistungseingeschränkten“ Arbeitskräften wird als ökonomisch und sozial profitable „win-win“-Situation dargestellt. Gleichzeitig wird argumentiert, dass die soziale Gesinnung von Arbeitgebern nicht durch Appelle und Anreize erzeugt werden könne, sondern schon gegeben sein müsse, damit Unternehmen sich auf die Anstellung von Behinderten einlassen. Von Unternehmen wird primär auf „soziale Verantwortung“ rekurriert, die jedoch durch „ökonomische Realitäten“ begrenzt wird. Der Beitrag diskutiert die Legitimationen und betrieblichen Konstruktionen von sozialer Verantwortung und ökonomischer Realität. Die empirische Basis bildet eine ethnografische Studie zu den Praktiken von IV-Stellen und Unternehmen.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Bridging the Gulf between Welfare and Economy. Collaboration between Disability Insurance and Employers
    (27.09.2015) Nadai, Eva
    Over the past 15 years inter-institutional cooperation has become a prominent topic in social policy in Switzerland, especially with respect to the labour market integration of the unemployed. In all cantons concrete collaboration projects have been established. However, while these projects may improve inter-organizational collaboration within the welfare system they fall short of addressing the missing link of occupational integration, namely including employers into respective networks. After all, the success of welfare state efforts to reintegrate the unemployed hinges on the decisions of business enterprises to actually employ these people. Especially in the disability insurance (IV) the collaboration with employers has become a pressing issue. Following a marked increase in pensions and costs during the 1990s and influenced by OECD recommendations the IV has undergone several major reforms aimed at strengthening the focus on occupational integration. Employers are here seen as key players. The paper argues that bridging the gulf between welfare and economy poses the twofold problem of establishing organizational networks and of reframing the cultural conventions of social and economic action. On the organizational level the cantonal IV-offices are “translating” cooperation models developed earlier for collaboration within the welfare system to cooperation with employers and other insurers, while at the same time establishing one-to-one contacts with individual business enterprises. Regarding cultural reframing, they have to invoke a complex array of social and economic rationales to persuade businesses to employ workers with “limited productivity”.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Moral Economy. The Employment of People with Disability and the Shifting Responsibilities for the Social
    (03.09.2015) Nadai, Eva
    Social scientists describe the radical transformation of welfare states in the past decades as a neoliberal economization of the political and the social. The economic logic of the market has become the dominant regulatory principle of all societal spheres with respect to both means and ends. Most often these processes are portrayed as unidirectional: it is the economic logic that colonises the social, political and personal spheres. In this paper the perspective is reversed. Drawing on Ronen Shamir’s thesis of “market-embedded morality” and on the theoretical framework of the sociology of conventions the occupational integration of people with disabilities is analysed as an example of the shifting responsibilities for the social. The focus is on the interactions of the Swiss invalidity insurance (IV) and businesses with respect to the employment of the disabled. The recent revisions of the invalidity insurance in Switzerland have introduced more financial incentives and support for employers, without establishing corresponding legal obligations. In this context the cantonal IV offices resort to moral and normative means instead, while at the same time still ‘arguing the business case’ for the social commitment of employers.
    06 - Präsentation