Marcotulli, Fabio2023-12-222023-12-222016 Information Technology and Business Process are related to each other and spread in all fields and all possible models. A business process automated with the IT increases the speed and maximize value, monitoring the execution of processes and allowing the company to make analysis and changes according to the current condition of the environment.Cloud computing has overcome the phase of being a hype and has started establishing itself in business. It plays a valuable role in business processes influencing structures and decisions and causing a paradigm shift on how IT is used, delivered and taken advantage of (Chandrasekaran, 2015). The problem for companies to identify the appropriate cloud services that can be used to automate and support business processes block the growth and the evolution of these companies. This is due to lack of expertise and poor technical knowledge on business side....en330 - WirtschaftTowards a Semantic Enrichment of Business-IT Alignment in the Cloud11 - Studentische Arbeit