Zogg, AndreasZahnd, This2023-03-212022-10-172023-03-212022https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/33948https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-4710A synthesis step, consisting of two sub-steps A and B was investigated by applying a model based approach. Deepening the process understanding was achieved through performed experiments, which also led to the generation of valuable knowledge for future improvements. A kinetic model consisting of 12 reactions and 15 components was successfully established. The model predicts the effects of changes in process parameters on quality. On this basis recommendations for process optimizations have been formulated.enScale-Up / Scale-DownQuality By Design (QBD)Process ModellingProcess SimulationReaction KineticsModeling-Based Approach Towards Quality by Design for a Telescoped Process11 - Studentische Arbeit