Tempelmann, SebastianAbbas, LauraBäumler, EstherFavre, PascalGiest, HartmutGoll, ThomasHartinger, Andreas2017-08-162017-08-162016978-3-7815-2083-7http://hdl.handle.net/11654/25274Swiss "Naturparks" provide ideal conditions for outdoor learning activities in the proximity of schools. In order to facilitate the cooperation of "Naturparks" and primary schools, the project „parkstark” aims to provide a manual (Favre, Bäumler, Abbas & Tempelmann 2017). The core of this manual is an exclusively developed didactic concept (Tempelmann, Abbas, Bäumler & Favre 2016). For piloting reasons this concept was implemented in an exemplary learning environment with the topic biodiversity and real-ised with five classes. The realisation was attended by an objective-based intervention study with control groups. Here we present the results of the study and we discuss the adequateness of the implemented evaluation form for the projected manual.deausserschulisches LernenNaturparkSachunterricht / NaturMenschGesellschaftPrimarstufe370 - Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen500 - NaturwissenschaftenKonzeptbasierte Entwicklung von schulischem Unterricht in einem Naturpark04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift175-183