Aldesoki, MostafaBourauel, ChristophElshazly, Tarek M.Schkommodau, ErikKeilig, Ludger2025-02-242024-01-171472-683110.1186/s12903-024-03854-1 While conventional threaded implants (TI) have proven to be effective for replacing missing teeth, they have certain limitations in terms of diameter, length, and emergence profile when compared to customised root analogue implants (RAI). To further investigate the potential benefits of RAIs, the aim of this study was to experimentally evaluate the micromotion of RAIs compared to TIs. Methods A 3D model of tooth 47 (mandibular right second molar) was segmented from an existing cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and a RAI was designed based on this model. Four RAI subgroups were fabricated as follows: 3D-printed titanium (PT), 3D-printed zirconia (PZ), milled titanium (MT), milled zirconia (MZ), each with a sample size of n = 5. Additionally, two TI subgroups (B11 and C11) were used as control, each with a sample size of n = 5. All samples were embedded in polyurethane foam artificial bone blocks and subjected to load application using a self-developed biomechanical Hexapod Measurement System. Micromotion was quantified by analysing the load/displacement curves. Results There were no statistically significant differences in displacement in Z-axis (the loading direction) between the RAI group and the TI group. However, within the RAI subgroups, PZ exhibited significantly higher displacement values compared to the other subgroups (p < 0.05). In terms of the overall total displacement, the RAI group showed a statistically significant higher displacement than the TI group, with mean displacement values of 96.5 µm and 55.8 µm for the RAI and TI groups, respectively. Conclusions The RAI demonstrated promising biomechanical behaviour, with micromotion values falling within the physiological limits. However, their performance is less predictable due to varying anatomical designs.en600 - Technik, Medizin, angewandte WissenschaftenEvaluation of micromotion in multirooted root analogue implants embedded in synthetic bone blocks: an in vitro study01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift99