Torpus, Jan-Lewe2019-11-142019-11-14 goal of this research project is to develop a human-centred approach to improving Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (cMRI) in terms of: faster scan times for improved patient comfort and throughput; better image quality for more accurate diagnosis; greater understanding of patient state for enhanced patient-operator interactions. Focus will be on the development and analysis of audiovisual interactive stimulus modules which will be applied to relevant medical applications in cMRI. Respiration is a major problem in cMRI, leading to increased examination times and poor diagnostic image quality. Whilst early attempts have been made with biofeedback, these were very basic in their approach due to technical limitations. Such techniques were therefore not human-centred and introduced additional unforeseen problems, such as unnatural movements brought on by the biofeedback and the additional high level of patient compliance required. The development of intelligent algorithms and improved technical hardware and imaging sequences enables truly user-centred approaches to now be developed.700 - Künste und UnterhaltungThe Use of Biofeedback For a Human-Centred Approach to Improving Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging00 - Projekt