Payet, Hannah2025-02-142024 thesis explores coral-centric storytelling and eco-art, focusing on our deep connection with reefs amid climate change and human impact. By imagining ourselves in the vulnerable position of coral reefs, I aim to shed light on the often-invisible impacts of climatic changes and human activities on these delicate ecosystems. In my practice-led research, I created images and animations urging action using tools like data bending, reaction-diffusion, Midjourney, and Touchdesigner. Narratives of coral bleaching and mortality mirror climate challenges – ocean acidification, microplastics, and rising temperatures – fostering empathy and environmental responsibility. Our stories shape beliefs and behaviours; therefore, awareness is crucial. This  thesis argues for positive yet confronting narratives and human-coral symbiosis, promoting proactive environmental stewardship for reefs and humanity.enKorallenbleicheStorytellingKlimawandelÖko-KunstSymbiose700 - Künste und UnterhaltungRethinking human-coral symbiosis. Illuminating the experience of coral bleaching through digital techniques11 - Studentische Arbeit