Kirch, JohannesEisenbart, BarbaraWiesner, Heike2024-04-232024-04-232019978-84-09-08619-110.21125/INTED.2019.1609 need for well-educated graduates as entrepreneurs of the future or with respect to transformative technology and digitalization calls for new learning formats. Our paper shows how two learning courses on teaching transformative technology and participation in undergraduate as well as graduate education have been developed, tested and evaluated. The two courses both incorporate co-creation and participative involvement, as well as real-life scenarios and a transparent feedback and documentation environment (wiki). Diversity and gender participation were supported through practical team experience, reflection loops, discussion about unconscious biases, as well as gender-wise correctly formulated teaching material and both female and male role models. In the following paper both courses will be contrasted with each other regarding overview on technology content and process, project work and didactics. Differences, as well as similarities, are shown and peculiarities are pointed out and discussed. The positiveen330 - WirtschaftComputer supported collaborative work - teaching transformative technology and participation04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift