Ryser, ThomasFlepp, CorsinKonrad, Jonas2018-12-052018-12-052018-10-25http://hdl.handle.net/11654/26814https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-1547The present applied research project studied gig workers of the biggest platform company in Switzerland (around 180’000 users inscribed). To assess worker personas data were analyzed from 18 indepth interviews including the inquiry of worker biographies, their work related social network structures. The results show that platform workers can be differentiated according to the continuity in the perception of the work form. Gig workers seeing the work form as a transition phase in their vocational development can be distinguished from workers who have developed a mid- till long- term perspective in doing gig work. The classification of personas can be interpreted as a model of individual career paths in a highly volatile, new job environment, where new worker identities emerge.enGig EconomyWorker IdentityJob BiographiesSocial Network AnalysisPersonas for a better understanding of emerging worker identities in the Swiss Gig Economy06 - Präsentation