Marxer, ClaudioScherb, ChristopherTschudin, Christian2025-02-102016978-1-4503-4467-810.1145/2984356.2984366 content-based security, encrypted content as well as wrapped access keys are made freely available by an Information Centric Network: Only those clients which are able to unwrap the encryption key can access the protected content. In this paper we extend this model to computation chains where derived data (e.g. produced by a Named Function Network) also has to comply to the content-based security approach. A central problem to solve is the synchronized on-demand publishing of encrypted results and wrapped keys as well as defining the set of consumers which are authorized to access the derived data. In this paper we introduce "content-attendant policies" and report on a running prototype that demonstrates how to enforce data owner-defined access control policies despite fully decentralized and arbitrarily long computation chains.it330 - Wirtschaft004 - Computer Wissenschaften, Internet005 - Computer Programmierung, Programme und DatenAccess-controlled in-network processing of named data04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift77-82