Miller, Barbara Therese2024-05-152024-05-152021 multimethod study demonstrates the positive effect of visualisation on the success of innovation projects. Based on literature review the success factors for transformation projects are systematically compiled, which include the creation of a vision, shared awareness of the challenge, change communication and need to involve employees into the process. The empirical part of the project is based on six expert interviews, two focus groups of employees experiencing a change project at SwissPost and one survey answered by 60 professionals. From the empirical data, we concluded that visualisation methods contribute to a common understanding for the transformation process and shared challenge and therefore to the success. They can trigger strong emotions and be used to influence employee motivation. Furthermore, visualisation facilitates the process of understanding, storytelling and reflecting of employees due to deeper integration into the overall process, in particular as it reduces complexity, creates clarity and thus improves communication.en330 - WirtschaftSuccess in innovation projects via visualisation methods06 - Präsentation