Korkut, SafakMele, EmanueleCantoni, LorenzoXiang, ZhengFuchs, MatthiasGretzel, UlrikeHöpken, Wolfram2024-03-252024-03-252020978-3-030-05324-6978-3-030-05324-610.1007/978-3-030-05324-6_62-1https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/43030User experience and design are central factors in information and communication technologies, determining the use and success of adoption of any tourism application. These issues are tackled within the so-called “usability” tests, which provide multiple ways of investigating whether an application is usable to visitors within specific contexts of interest. With the aim of providing both tourism scholars and practitioners with an original overview on the topic of usability, this book chapter will take the case of augmented reality (AR) applications from an online communication perspective. First, we provide an overview on usability analysis and web analytics, also illustrating how data from actual uses can provide information on the risks involved with the use of an application. Second, we present a collection of AR studies, positioning them in relationship with usability analysis and related challenges. Lastly, future research trends, including the concept of gamification and replayability, are outlined in the conclusion.en330 - WirtschaftUser experience and usability: the case of augmented reality04A - Beitrag Sammelband1-22