Bogacz, MartynaHess, StephaneCalastri, ChiaraChoudhury, Charisma F.Mushtaq, FaisalAwais, MuhammadNazemi, Mohsenvan Eggermond, MichaelErath, Alexander2025-02-132021-12-290968-090X1879-235910.1016/j.trc.2021.103435 risk analysis is one of the key research areas in transport, where the impact of perceived risk on choices, especially in a dynamic setting, has been long recognised. However, due to the lack of dynamic data and the difficulty in capturing risk perception, existing studies typically resort to static and stated approaches to infer the experienced level of risk of individuals. In this paper, we aimed to address this research gap through developing a hybrid choice model that jointly employed dynamic data on cycling behaviour in virtual reality and neural data to evaluate how the fluctuations in momentary risk perception influence the behaviour of cyclists. The results of the developed model confirm our hypotheses, demonstrating that cyclists reduce their speed when approaching a junction as the potential for a collision with passing cars increases. Moreover, the latent component allowed us to establish a link between the neural data, the amplitude of alpha brainwaves, and objective risk measures. In line wienVirtual realityEEGHybrid Choice ModelCycling behaviourCycling simulator624 - Ingenieurbau und UmwelttechnikModelling risk perception using a dynamic hybrid choice model and brain-imaging data: An application to virtual reality cycling01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift103435