Dahl, Cilia2025-02-142024https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/50235My collection revolves around my perception of nature and my relationship to it. Using fragments of prints and patterns I designed as the key components. Rather than using actual natural materials, I'm working with material manipulations and material collaborations to imitate natural surfaces. These manipulations repeat and enhance themselves within the four looks, wich represent the four seasons. Just like nature throughout the year, my looks change but still resemble within each other. The purpose being to convey a feeling of growth and progression towards a world where humans treat nature as a privilege rather than a source that can be exploited. Most of my used materials are bought second hand.enNachhaltigkeitMaterialitätKörperZirkularitätImitation700 - Künste und UnterhaltungAn abstraction of nature11 - Studentische Arbeit