von Kutzschenbach, MichaelDaub, Claus-HeinrichLüdeke-Freund, FlorianFroese, Tobias2024-04-242024-04-242019978-3-96705-001-1https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/42438Sustainability challenges represent some of the most significant business opportunities of the century. Capturing these opportunities, however, will require significant innovation: not just in technologies and products, but also in processes, business models, as well as research. We argue that a rethinking and sharpening of the definition and the role of sustainable entrepreneurship is needed. How can sustainable entrepreneurship for systemic change be defined and differentiated from 'conventional' entrepreneurship in order to make sustainability-oriented innovations (SOI) happen and changing the system to the better? Building on the on-going entrepreneurship initiatives at FHNW this study uses a case study approach aiming at further developing the theory and practice of true sustainable entrepreneurshipen330 - WirtschaftEntrepreneurship for sustainable innovation. Changing the system to the better04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift358-362