Wiegand, Gordon2019-11-142019-11-14https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/29205The main goal of the AVROSS study was to better understand the reasons behind the low level of adoption of e-Infrastructures by the social sciences and humanities (SSH) and support European policy-making. For this purpose, AVROSS conducted eight case studies of e-Infrastructures and an exploratory survey of early adopters in Europe, the US and beyond. The results point to several challenges for widening use of e-infrastructures in SSH fields such as matching e-Science and fieldspecific cultures and practices, developing and implementing successful strategies for recruiting users, and winning reputed domain scientists for the e-Science cause (as multipliers and to gain credibility). The study recommended among other things to step up the role of e-Infrastructure in graduate education, involve users at all stages, support the development of service-oriented business models, invest in addressing data confidentiality concerns and institute a research programme on e-Infrastructures in SSH.650 - Management380 - Handel, Kommunikation, VerkehrAccelerating Transition To Virtual Research Organisation In Social Science (AVROSS)00 - Projekt