Voss, JeronimoSehrt, JessicaTattara, MartinoAureli, Pier VittorioStiehl, MartinFlorian, SchmidtHirsch, NikolausPeleg, HilaKuehn, WilfriedFezer, JeskoHiller, Christian2022-01-102022-01-102015978-3-95905-053-1https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/33159How can the housing question (Wohnungsfrage) be appropriately reformulated in an age in which the work / life distinction is becoming increasingly blurred? The Realism Working Group and the architecture firm Dogma – in consultation with Florian Schmidt, Studio Commissioner of the Kulturwerk bbk berlin – are developing new living and working spaces for artists that challenge traditional designs and their underlying economic frameworks.enWohnungsfrageRealism Working GroupDogmaKunstArchitekturArtists’ Studios in Berlin. Interview with Florian Schmidt04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftRealism Working Group