Bühler, LucaPrögler, JasminKrings, NoahDe Bais, LiamHoang, Thuy2024-12-032024-12-032023https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/48793One of the main things that has been brought out clearly in this paper is how customer loyalty has changed over time during the digital era. The advent of e-commerce and the rapid growth in online platforms have disrupted traditional practices where customer loyalty was based on physical proximity as well as personal relationships. The central goals are to decrease the indirect reliance on different stakeholder groups, especially end-consumers, business customers, and suppliers, as well as to elaborate a viable model in which potential suppliers could be deployed.en330 - WirtschaftTransforming Swiss Coiffure: Navigating Loyalty Dynamics and Enhancing Online Competitiveness.11 - Studentische Arbeit