Pustulka, ElzbietaHanne, Thomas2024-04-292024-04-292019https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/42452We work with a Swiss Gig Platform Company to identify innovative solutions which could strengthen its position as a market leader in Switzerland and Europe. The company mediates between employers and employees in short term work contracts via a platform system. We first looked at the business processes and saw that some process parts were not being controlled by the company, which is now being remedied. Second, we analyzed the job reviews which the employers and employees write, and implemented a prototype which can detect negative statements automatically, even if the review is positive overall. We worked with a dataset of 963 job reviews from employers and employees, in German, French and English. The reviews have a star rating (1 to 4 stars), with some discrepancies between the star rating and the text. We scored the reviews manually as negative or other, as negative reviews are important for business improvement. We tested several machine learning methods and a hybrid method from Lexalytics.en330 - WirtschaftSentiment analysis for a swiss gig platform company06 - Präsentation