Asprion, PeterSchneider, BettinaGrimberg, FrankDornberger, Rolf2024-03-252024-03-252018978-3-319-74321-9978-3-319-74322-6 Resource Planning (ERP) systems employ highly integrated business software solutions that have existed for many years. Being the base of the IT application landscape of most enterprises, ERP systems remain fairly commoditized and scarcely leave room for differentiation. In view of the major digital transformations currently taking place, the role of ERP systems needs to be reconsidered. Geoffrey Moore’s concept of “Systems of Engagement” stresses the need for enterprise applications to become more user-oriented in order to support collaboration and to empower employees. Based on this understanding, we developed a model that classifies how ERP systems can evolve depending on its people-centricity focus and its level of integration.en330 - WirtschaftERP systems towards digital transformation04A - Beitrag Sammelband15-29