2019-11-142019-11-14https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/29164Education and health are important factors in the life of individual people and of a countrys population. However, there are huge differences between Developed Countries and Less or Least Developed Countries (LDC) like Nepal. An effective health system depends, inter alia, on the level of medical education. Today e-learning is a crucial part of medical education in Western countries. It can positively impact on the quality of teaching and learning in medicine and, consequently, on the knowledge and skills of physicians and on the overall health care system. In order to improve the medical education in LCDs the implementation of e-learning products is reasonable. However, during the development nd implementation of such products different factors of the target country like cultural, organizational, pedagogical and technical issues need to be taken into account. At present there is little known about these aspects in LDCs and their impact on learning and teaching. The objective of this project aims at researching and identifying success factors of the use and design of an e-learning program in Nepal. The e-learning platform Dermatology Online with Interactive Technology (DOIT) will be used and researched in a Nepalese context of medical education to indentify these factors. The results will serve as a basis for the use and development of e-learning products in medical education and other disciplines.330 - Wirtschaft005 - Computer Programmierung, Programme und DatenCollaborative Research Nepal00 - Projekt