Afonina, ValeriiaHinkelmann, KnutMontecchiari, Devid2025-02-072023978-3-031-34985-010.1007/978-3-031-34985-0_2 architecture (EA) modeling gives an opportunity to have an overview of the enterprise architecture supporting business-IT alignment within the rapidly changing environment. Visual representation of enterprise architecture models is appropriate for interpretation by humans. Machines, however, cannot interpret labels associated with the model element, as well as its domain-specific concepts. To make EA models machine-interpretable, a graphical representation of models shall be connected to domain knowledge. This research demonstrates an approach to enriching the EA model of a medical institution with healthcare domain knowledge. Evaluation of the developed solution proves that a human and a machine could equally understand the ontology-based EA model.en330 - WirtschaftEnriching enterprise architecture models with healthcare domain knowledge04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift17-28