Enz, Patrick2023-12-222023-12-222017https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/39988The aim of this master thesis is to analyse whether the blockchain technology can have any positive influences on the current state of the art development and operators of online voting solutions in Switzerland. Online voting is a hot topic in Switzerland and multiple systems are currently in development and under stringent control from the Swiss Federal Chancellery. The goal is to have online voting as new and official way of voting by the year 2020. System providers like the Swiss Post and the canton of Geneva are therefore investing lots of resources into the development of online voting solutions and are encountering hindering factors on their way. Blockchain technology on the other hand is enjoys a lot of attention lately. The rather new technology promises many benefits when it comes to trust and reliability and decentralization. Aspects what are of utmost interest for the online voting community. The findings from this thesis list the mist mentioned hindering factors for the development of an online voting solution in Switzerland. Those facts are categorised in the domains of technical, social, legal and organisational aspects. Furthermore, this study aims to find a suitable link between the blockchain technology and the aforementioned hindering factors....en330 - WirtschaftBlockchain technology to help transform online voting in Switzerland11 - Studentische Arbeit