Steiner, Olivier2021-04-132021-04-1320200045-31021468-263X work, its fields of practice, institutions, professionals and client groups are affected by the digital transformations taking place across society in many ways. In different fields of practice, digitalisation opens up new potentials, but also poses challenges and problems. To date, theoretical approaches and ethical principles for social work, which should lay the foundations for professional concepts and action, have only marginally addressed the digital era. Robust theoretical and ethical foundations should make it possible to position social work in relation to accelerated technological development. In the following article, different theoretical approaches will be discussed in a comparative way and proposals for the theoretical understanding of digital transformation in social work will be made. Building on this, ethical substantiations for the integration of digital technologies into social work will be presented along the lines of Hans Jonas' theory of responsibility. Finally, conclusions for the innovation, implementation and use of digital media in social work will be ArbeitDigitalisierungIT360 - Soziale Probleme, Sozialdienste, VersicherungenSocial Work in the Digital Era: Theoretical, Ethical and Practical Considerations01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift