Scherer, Peter2019-12-022019-12-022019-10-14 you have not endless venture capital, the options to improve productivity in real life is limited to a few practical options. The potential to reinvent design and construction is tremendous if we start to improve. There is a wide toolset of methods and the challenge is to choose whisly. As there are many ways to start, key is always the same pattern: You have to plan the process bevor you start to improve - you must have a plan, and you must have at least an idea to measure your performance. You have to execute in the best way possible and you have to measure what you are doning to start improvement. Bevore you do the next planing and doning, you have to change something, otherwise the result will not be better than bevor. This obvious and simple framework is well know in other industry, but not in design and construction. You can start right now. by using small PDCA cycles.en-USVDCBIMIPDLeanA way to higher productivity in construction06 - Präsentation