Leemann, Regula JuliaDa Rin, SandraImdorf, ChristianGessler, MichaelFreund, Larissa2016-01-252016-01-252015http://hdl.handle.net/11654/12295https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-220During the past decade vocational education policy has been furthering training networks. Enterprises which are too small or too specialised to offer an apprenticeship place on their own join a network of training companies. The responsibility for recruitment, placement, and formal qualification lies with a professionalised lead organisation. During their apprenticeship, the apprentices switch their training company on a (half-)yearly rotational basis. Based on a case study of four training networks in Switzerland the aim of this paper is to understand the reasons for the slow and hesitant institutionalisation of this new organisational form of VET that has high potential for improving quality of VET, for creating additional apprenticeship places and for integration socially disadvantaged youth into post-compulsory education.enCase studiesin-company traininginitial vocational education and trainingtraining networksquality of VET370 - Erziehung, Schul- und BildungswesenTraining Networks in VET as Innovative Concepts – Reasons and Boundaries for Training Companies to Participate04A - Beitrag Sammelband124-127