Arnold, Nicolas GeorgBattaglia, MarinaBenz, Arnold O.Csillaghy, AndréCasadei, DiegoEtesi, László IstvánGröbelbauer, Hans-PeterHurford, GordonKobler, StefanMelchior, MartinOrleanski, PiotrRoth, MichaelWiehl, Herbert2019-11-142019-11-14 is an X-ray telescope for solar observations designed and built at FHNW . As part of an instrument suite, STIX will fly on ESAs Solar Orbiter mission (to be launch in 2017). Solar Orbiter will perform unprecedented detailed measurements of the inner heliosphere and nascent solar wind, and perform close observations of the polar regions of the Sun, both serving to answer the question 'How does the Sun create and control the heliosphere?'. Solar Orbiter will make observations of the Sun from just inside Mercurys orbit at 0.28 astronomical units (AU).600 - Technik, Medizin, angewandte WissenschaftenSTIX00 - Projekt