Laurenzi, EmanueleHinkelmann, KnutIzzo, StefanoReimer, Ulrichvan der Merwe, Alta2024-04-172024-04-17201810.1007/978-3-319-92898-2_19 advent of digitalization exposes enterprises to an ongoing transformation with the challenge to quickly capture relevant aspects of changes. This brings the demand to create or adapt domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) efficiently and in a timely manner, which, on the contrary, is a complex and time-consuming engineering task. This is not just due to the required high expertise in both knowledge engineering and targeted domain. It is also due to the sequential approach that still characterizes the accommodation of new requirements in modeling language engineering. In this paper we present a DSML adaptation approach where agility is fostered by merging engineering phases in a single modeling environment. This is supported by ontology concepts, which are tightly coupled with DSML constructs. Hence, a modeling environment is being developed that enables a modeling language to be adapted on-the-fly. An initial set of operators is presented for the rapid and efficient adaptation of both syntax and semantics of modeling languages. The approach allows modeling languages to be quickly released for usage.en330 - WirtschaftTowards an agile and ontology-aided modeling environment for DSML adaptation04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift222-234