Sievers-Frey, BeatSaner, Marco2016-01-272016-01-272011-06-01978-3-908440-26-0 2007, RTCM Standard 10403.1 has allowed standardization and optimization of transmission of GNSS RTK corrections between reference stations and rovers by additionally providing so-called transformation messages. In 2009, a bachelors thesis at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland analyzed whether and in which scope RTCM 10403.1 forms an alternative to the swipos-GIS/GEO real-time positioning services current method, which uses real-time FINELTRA and HTRANS.en-UK520 - Astronomie, KartografieReal-time change of Swiss reference frames with swipos GIS/GEO and RTCM Coordinate Transformation Messages04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift123-124