Bogacz, MartynaHess, StephaneCalastri, ChiaraChoudhury, Charisma F.Erath, Alexandervan Eggermond, MichaelMushtaq, FaisalNazemi, MohsenAwais, Muhammad2025-02-132020-06-122169-40520361-198110.1177/0361198120921850 use of virtual reality (VR) in transport research offers the opportunity to collect behavioral data in a controlled dynamic setting. VR settings are useful in the context of hypothetical situations in which real-world data does not exist or in situations which involve risk and safety issues making real-world data collection infeasible. Nevertheless, VR studies can contribute to transport-related research only if the behavior elicited in a virtual environment closely resembles real-world behavior. Importantly, as VR is a relatively new research tool, the best-practice with regards to the experimental design is still to be established. In this paper, we contribute to a better understanding of the implications of the choice of the experimental setup by comparing cycling behavior in VR between two groups of participants in similar immersive scenarios, the first group controlling the maneuvers using a keyboard and the other group riding an instrumented bicycle. We critically compare the speed, acceleration, brenVirtual realityEEGCycling behaviourCycling simulator624 - Ingenieurbau und UmwelttechnikComparison of cycling behavior between keyboard-controlled and instrumented bicycle experiments in virtual reality01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift244-257