Hässler, Leonie2020-04-212020-04-21https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/31037https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-2053The project approaches the archive materials from three different perspectives: Firstly, the evolution of the brand Hanro of Switzerland is traced back. Secondly, it is asked, how the history of human intimacy and the development of undergarments have mutually induced. And thirdly, the design process under industrial production conditions can be investigated examplarily. The research results contribute to the field of cultural anthropolgy of clothing and design research and are supposed to have influence on the professional education in the textile sector. Additionally, the insights will be publicly presented in exhibitions.DesignGestaltungsprozesseModeDer modellierte Mensch (Hanro)00 - Projekt