Sperisen, Vera2025-01-2020242191-076610.46499/2418.3091https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/47247Contemporary democracies display a tension between the promise of equality and the reality of inclusion and exclusion practices. These challenges lead to a crisis in democracy, raising questions of belonging and participation, which are seen as central to addressing this phenomenon. Schools play a key role here, as they can either reproduce exclusionary practices or engage with the ideal of equality. Civic education is called upon to address these issues. The article examines the role of recognition and participation, drawing on Nancy Fraser’s theory of justice, that integrates both recognition and redistribution. The Research project shows that national-ethno-cultural notions of belonging are often reproduced unquestioned in classrooms, while students themselves possess hybrid concepts of belonging. Based on these insights, ideas for developing didactic concepts in civic education are presented.de320 - Politik370 - Erziehung, Schul- und BildungswesenAnerkennung und Teilhabe als demokratierelevante Faktoren. Zur Auseinandersetzung mit Zugehörigkeitsfragen in der Politischen Bildung01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift36-53