Heimann, SandroImhof, DenisGatziu Grivas, Stella2024-04-222024-04-222023978-2-9602195-5-5https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/43445This exploratory research paper introduces a novel approach for organizational error management based on a prototype model combining a positive mistakes-making culture with the use of collective intelligence. The model allows to identify mistakes and problems in everyday work in organizations along predefined key performance indicators (KPIs), such as they are represented by the Balanced Score Card (BSC). The model includes four problem-solving elements which are applied in a circular manner to counteract the problem areas and ultimately improve the chosen KPIs sustainably. The introduction of the four problem-solving elements is the main contribution of this paper. The elements have been iteratively developed using a Design Science Research methodology, consisting of multiple semi-structured interviews with seasoned experts with management experience. To enhance the applicability of the model in practice, a detailed questionnaire has been developed to guide decision-makers in using the. Additionally, a hypothetical use case is discussed for a potential application of the model. The model is laid out to be applicable in different organizations as well as on different hierarchical levels, depending on the autonomy of the teams or departments.en330 - WirtschaftTowards a leadership model focusing on mistake making culture enhanced by collective intelligence04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift