Pande, CharutaWitschel, Hans FriedrichMartin, AndreasMontecchiari, DevidMartin, AndreasHinkelmann, KnutFill, Hans-GeorgGerber, AuronaLenat, DoughStolle, ReinhardHarmelen, Frank van2024-04-082024-04-082021 present an approach to improve individual and self-regulated learning in group assignments. We focus on supporting individual reflection by providing feedback through a conversational system. Our approach leverages machine learning techniques to recognize concepts in student utterances and combines them with knowledge representation to infer the student’s understanding of an assignment’s cognitive requirements. The conversational agent conducts end-to-end conversations with the students and prompts them to reflect and improve their understanding of an assignment. The conversational agent not only triggers reflection but also encourages explanations for partial solutions.en330 - WirtschaftHybrid conversational AI for intelligent tutoring systems04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift