Martin, AndreasEmmenegger, SandroWilke, Gwendolin2015-10-052015-10-052013-11-08978-1-4673-6412-6978-1-4673-6411-9 retrieval of historical project knowledge is still a challenge for enterprises nowadays. This paper introduces a case-based reasoning (CBR) approach for project knowledge. This approach improves the case-based reasoning by reusing enterprise specific domain knowledge that is defined in an enterprise ontology. Since the retrieval of relevant project knowledge from historical cases is a knowledge intensive task that relies heavily on enterprise specific domain knowledge, we represent both, historical cases as well as the necessary domain knowledge, in an enterprise ontology structure. The contribution of the paper is the introduction of a novel case retrieval mechanism that emphasizes enterprise specific domain knowledge by reusing an enterprise ontology named ArchiMEO. This ontology is a representation of the enterprise architecture ArchiMate® and other integrated standards. This work is based on a real-world scenario elicited from a business partner of the Swiss CTI research project [sic!]. The approach tackles the information need that might occur during a prospective project.en-UK330 - Wirtschaft005 - Computer Programmierung, Programme und DatenIntegrating an enterprise architecture ontology in a case-based reasoning approach for project knowledge04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift