Romanens, Matthieu2023-03-222023-03-222022-04-04 items in the so-called Glogauer Liederbuch (ca. 1480) bear a sacred text but were originally transmitted with a secular text and composed accordingly: such is the case with Ave sidus clarissimum / Der seyden schwanz. This piece also has the particularity to be often transmitted without text and therefore considered as ‘instrumental’. Incorporating recent research on 'Central Europe' and 'Contrafactum', I present a case study examining aspects of a musical cultural exchange. After a philological analysis of the item in the source, I examine the Latin text and its reworking into the musical structure. Eventually, I show how the scribe presumably responsible for new text underlay reacted to melodic and contrapuntal devices.fr780 - MusikStratégies de contrafacture dans le Glogauer Liederbuch. Une étude de cas: Ave sidus clarissimum / Der seyden schwantcz11 - Studentische Arbeit