Walter, Caspar Johannes2020-07-162020-07-1620201474-22861478-22860040-2982 on vibrating strings have been an import-ant element in my compositions since the early 1990s. In order tocalculate the frequency components of so-called pure multiphonics(multiphonics consisting of harmonic partials of the fundamental)on vibrating strings, I developed my fraction windowing algorithm.The first section of this article details the use of multiphonics in mycompositions and the second section discusses how the fraction win-dowing algorithm works and its relationship to the closely relatedmathematical concept of a continued fraction. The article also dis-cusses the online apps I have developed as tools for composersand performers who are interested in using these methods in theirown work on string multiphonics.en780 - MusikMultiphonics on vibrating strings01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift7-23