Diptanshu, Kumar2017-10-032017-10-032014-10-29http://hdl.handle.net/11654/25534https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-1176Achievement of continuous competitive advantage in an ever changing business environment together with distinct advancement in technology, require enterprises to consider more efficient ways in their quick responding abilities and in their taking advantage of IT possibilities. Many studies confirmed the important role of Agility and IT/ERP governance in ERP post-implementation phase in this respect. Additionally it was found that agility affects ERP post-implementation phase in various ways and continuous improvement of this phase with customization and business process reengineering plays a vital role for an improved superior agility. Impact and influence of ERP systems in supporting business operations is significant, therefore the effect of post-implementation modification initiatives need to be closely examined. Since these influences of ERP PIP are not adequately studied, there is still gap in the literature regarding this (Oseni et al., 2014). This master thesis addresses the research problem about the lack of knowledge on how IT/ERP governance and agility influences ERP post-implementation phase. To reach this goal, three research questions were identified and a review of the related terms of agility, IT/ERP governance, ERP post-implementation phase and business environment was performed through literature studies. The first question to find the current literature status of ERP post implementation with focus on IT/ERP governance and agility is answered by reviewing of existing literature relating to the topic as an essential first step and foundation when undertaking a research project (Baker, 2000). The second question to find the result about agility affect on ERP post implementation, a qualitative research approach known as Relational Analysis is performed on nine related articles of four selected online journals from last one year. Third question to find the influencing factors impacting the ERP post implementation regard to IT/ERP Governance or/and agility is answered by determining these factors through literature analysis performed on the various related literatures included in foundation. A conceptual research model based on the existing literature is proposed to provide a visual representation of the relationship between the involved concepts. The outcome of the first research question is a table, which summarizes the main literatures topics, focus, and literature support. Outcome of second research question support the mutual promotive relationship between ERP post implementation and agility. Outcome of third question is list of influencing factors impacting ERP post implementation regard to IT/ERP Governance or/and agility. Finally a revised conceptual model is derived to visualize the interpretations of the findings of the research. The findings of the research could be important theoretical contributions to the body knowledge of business information systems. The research has bridged the knowledge gap among agility, IT/ERP governance and post implementation, in relation to the way on how they influence ERP post implementation. This research has specific focus on ERP post implementation with regard to agility and IT/ERP governance.enAgilityIT/ERP GovernanceERP post implementationDynamic business environment004 - Computer Wissenschaften, InternetAgility meets Governance of Enterprise IT11 - Studentische Arbeit